14. Camp 1

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Mia pov
We had play the last match before camp! We still had a day for pics with the trophy etc! But I knew that saying goodbye scary in a way as I never know what's gonna happen over the week! If someone gonna do an injury or something! Mum always promised me that when we come back nobody will be missing!! Sometimes she said she can't promise it but most of the time she did promise!

Mum got dressed nicely for photos with the trophy! She did her makeup really nice but annoyingly she stole my mascara as she said she can't find hers which means she just wants mine! I got ready and wore a cute outfit did barely any makeup as I wasn't getting pics!

Mum got dressed nicely for photos with the trophy! She did her makeup really nice but annoyingly she stole my mascara as she said she can't find hers which means she just wants mine! I got ready and wore a cute outfit did barely any makeup as I wa...

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My outfit ^^^^

Around 11am we set off! I had no idea how hungover the girls will be as I got taken home by Nona, around 10pm mum didn't get home until at least 1:30am but she said she's not hungover as she only had 2 drinks knowing there camp in 3 days! I knew Katie would have had a few drinks as she ALWAYS does and she crazzzzyy... that's why she the fun auntie!

We got to the training ground and I soon realised we were the first to arrive... Mum said we weren't early nor late, just on time! I knew certain girls would be sleeping others Live further away like lotte a good 1hr drive that's why she always leaves early and hangs out at ours for a while! But girls like Steph and Katie live local (not forgetting their roommates *pretend Caitlin lives with Katie and Kyra lives with Steph*) only a 5-10min drive. My house is 20mins away...

And did my hair in a cute messy bun

And did my hair in a cute messy bun

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Pretend blonde

After a few more girls arrive we got a text from Katie on the gc:

Katie: I've kinda overslept I'll be there in 20mins sorry girls!!! Also bit hungover!!
Steph: Not surprised you had a decent amount to drink!

20mins later Katie arrives with Caitlin and everyone else has arrived previously.

They took some photos

Then off to camp basically!
We said our final goodbyes apart from the England girls.....! And headed offf!

England squad

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