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Its in your 20s that you feel everything,
all at once.
One day you're laughing your heart out with people you barely know because you just feel like the world is slipping and it's not worth frowning for. But other days it feels like your world is crumbling and all you want to do is lay in bed and let time pass you.
It's loving to your fullest but also feeling a heartbreak a thousand times more because of the mere thought of starting over.
It scares you.
You have all the energy you need to become the person you want to be, but thing is, you're still not sure who you want to be.
Your 20s is a roadtrip of rediscovery, rediscovering yourself, what you really love and what makes you feel alive.
I hope you know that you shouldn't figure it all out then, because it's just the beginning of a life lived to the fullest.
I hope you make the best of the journey.

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