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*Warning: mention of bullying and harm briefly.* Besides that please enjoy reading this chapter.

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It would have been like any other day for our protagonist, Raven Queen. However, this day differs very much compared to the previous day. As it is the day after the Legacy Day commencement. After all, as soon as one step onto Ever After High ground the tension around can be felt automatically.

With the tension at its all time high the environment was not one for jokes. However, a little kitty was looking for entertainment and why not start something that was bound to happen sooner or later. With her boredom she decided what other better time than the present.

The students, consisting of two clear parties, the Royals and Rebels, had a clear division in the Castleteria. Each individual group tries minding their own business while ignoring the other group's remarks. However, fries were thrown on both groups by a mischievous individual they left for safe ground with a smile. As a result, it only fuels the anger of both groups who were already done with each other leading to what one would call a food fight.

Various types of food can be seen thrown across the room whether it be something sweet or savory all types were seen. It did not just affect the two particular groups, but also everyone that was around in the Castleteria.

The sight was one of shock for outsiders. So what happens when the two main characters of the school happen to walk into the Castleteria with the sight of their school breakout into a food fight. It was a chaotic mess, surprising the two individuals.

As soon as the two individuals walked in, their presence called for a halt in the food fight much to the kitty's displeasure. However, to her excitement the two individuals are the main reason for the current tension in the school, Raven Queen and Apple White, happen to fuel the issue more.

The two attempted to end the situation and bring the original calmness of the student body again. All it took for the two to restart the whole event was one line from each other.

"Well we wouldn't be in this situation if you signed the Storybook of Legends." one whisper.

"Everything just has to follow your ideal vision, not caring about others' opinions." murmur one.

That was all it took for both to grab a piece of food from a nearby table and fling it onto each other. Following their 'leader' the whole Castleteria return to their food fight with each. It continued on until there was nothing left to use. Midway though Raven sneaks out realizing this isn't what she wanted. After she left the Castleteria, it hit her how her life is going to take a turn for the worse for her.

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    After the incident, Raven's feelings about her situation from now on turn out to be true. As there is a clear distinct difference between how she is treated by the two groups. The Royals would always be on back, especially a particular few that actually appreciate their destined story. While others would ignore her entire existence.

    Those particular Royals that are out for Raven would curse her with all their might and make snide remarks in general. The comments that shook her the most would be those saying that she is destined to ruin all their lives and ruin all their chances in life.

    While the Rebels would fully show their support to the female student. Telling her that the decision she made was one she deserved as they believe and understand that the future for her was not a bright one.

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