Chapter - 5

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Everyone entered in the theater room, laughing and talking loudly. Mr. Park sat in the front seats with Mrs. Kim beside him. Jin, Namjoon, Hobi and Taehyung sat in the second row. Mrs. Kim made jimin to sit beside her and suga who was the last one to enter had to sit beside jimin because there was no space left.

Mrs. Kim: Which movie should we watch?

Mr. Kim: Boys, is there anything you want to watch in particular??

Namjoon: Horror movie?

Hobi: NO! I mean, jimin is a kid he might get scared

Taehyung: Your just saying that because you are scared to watch horror movies

Hobi: I-

Mrs. Kim: Stop arguing!

Jin: How about a comedy movie?

Mrs. Kim: Sure! Here, choose whichever you want to

Jin: Thank you

After 1 hour and 30 minutes

Some were asleep and others were laughing and giggling while watching the movie. Suga was neither of them he was there only because he didn't wanted to hurt his mom's feelings and he wasn't enjoying even a bit. He was near to felling asleep when he felt something on his shoulders

He looked at his side and saw jimin resting his head on his shoulder while sleeping peacefully with his cheeks pressed against suga's shoulder forming a cute pout on his lips.

He wanted to wake him up and push him aside like he would do with anyone else including his beloved brothers but, God the young boy was too cute to do so. He just smiled and made jimin and himself comfortable.

But wasn't he supposed to hate jimin? Wasn't he supposed to hurt him so that his father will break the marriage?...Was he getting soft for the cute boy?

All of a sudden all these questions lingered in his head and he knew the answer of none.

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