Chapter VI

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"I've worked 'n this field for 16 years now, nev'r seen 'case s'bad s'this," Said Officer Adeelic.

Officer Spence could only nod in agreement. It was a gory tale to tell. It was only his fourth week, and he was already on this horrible case. He had no doubt that this would be one of the worst case he would deal with, in his career that he hoped would last more than a month. His mind wandered once again to the body of that young girl. Her name...something like Dolores, wasn't it? What a horrible expression was on her face, twisted in agony from the pain that consuming brodifacoum would have. Something in her eyes, even though it was dead then, showed relief, it was horrible to see relief in the eyes of someone dead. Officer Spence, just then, had felt the dread overshadowing his excitement and determination in his future career. Pity came crashing every time he thought about the case, something that made his insides sticky and brought anger around the corner.

"Heard she off'd 'erself 'fter she know-ed she's mad, no good reas'n to off herself for, 'n my 'pinion," Continued Officer Adeelic.

Officer Spence had opposing opinions, but he didn't voice them out. It was only his first month, and he didn't want to contradict his superiors too much, so he only nodded. But when he thought about it, that girl – Dolores – perhaps she had thought she was normal her whole life. Perhaps, as he read in the news, she even thought she was a prodigy. Imagine suddenly learning that, all this time, she was mad, not a genius, but mad. It was enough to drive one's hand to such actions.

"Perhaps it was guilt," Officer Spence suggested, "She thought killed her own family, didn't she, perhaps she felt bad about that?"

Officer Adeelic shrugged, "Per'aps, 'onesty-lee, 'm supris'd 'cha read the files, mos' 'ew 'ecruit don't do tha'. Bu' she ke't a diar', recor'd all 'a tha' crime. Did'n show bi' 'a remorse fo' tha'."

Perhaps, under the influence of her schizophrenia, she didn't even know what she was doing. There was still some debate on whether or not it was actually schizophrenia she had, her symptoms didn't all quite match, and the only thing she had were hallucinations. But the diary, Officer Spence didn't know about that, he would read it when he's got the chance, perhaps later.

All they knew know, from that diary and reports from her therapist, was that she had reported seeing a creature, whom she had named Vindicta. This was the creature was the creature that supposedly made her think that she was the one responsible for the death of her family. She had reported seeing this creature multiple times, in all cases doctors who had been there at the site had witnessed nothing. This creature, as Dr Clepta Animi suggested, might be based off her mourning for her sister and hatred for her father for his affairs, which did actually occur. This creature was based off news from a long time ago, in which her father was accused of drunk driving, and hit a family. This creature had taken inspiration from the child that the victim family had.

What a story this was though! Officer Spence knew that even though reporters had already caught onto this story, they would be swarming to get a piece of it by the end of this week. A whole family, dead! Alongside with the family maid!

When the police were first informed of this, they had tried to release Jonathan Banquesta, but they were informed too late of this, and the investigation had taken too long, they were too late to save even the last member of this family.

Tears beaded Spence's eyes when he thought about it again. Nobody deserved to live like this. The Banquestas where a wealthy family, and even money couldn't save them. It was like a TV tragedy, the kind of event that you could imagine would happen in a movie, not real life! But this would be the last chapter in this case. The journalists would have their time, and it would never be heard of again, no matter how terrible it is, just an event on the news, tragic, but unimportant, until one day it has something to do with you. 

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