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Some events are terrible, they can happen to anybody anytime. Sometimes, they are unimportant matters, they don't impact your life much, but sometimes, they're big. They can change the entire course of your life, who you are, your identity. When you have caused the event yourself, you only have you to blame. But when someone else has caused these events, the matter changes. For those small events, a simple apology would do, a simple look of regret. Bigger events, bigger events aren't so easily redeemable. You would have to take action. Perhaps being the bigger person would be wiser, but when such events occur, nobody wants wise, they want redemption. But redemption won't come, it almost never does. What comes is revenge. This is what this story was about, a young girl's journey to revenge. Maybe she thought that it was against her father, but the truth is that it wasn't. She was only punishing herself. She found out, as many had found out, but refused to acknowledge, that vengeance would only create self-loathing, and in the end, what is lost does not belong to those who had wronged her, but herself. This is the true path of revenge. 

Vindicta: The Story of a Vengeful SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now