CHAPTER 29: Not everyone needs a villain era

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The rules and regulations of dating GY entertainment's Kai King:

1. No public smoking.

2. No public drinking.

3. No leaking information or any media files taken with client on any social media platform.

4. No sharing information or personal experience with client on any outlet media.

5. No leaking client's personal detail i.e. home address, car plate number, family members and any personal experiences client choses to share and show.

6. Choice of clothing and style must be approved by company.

7. Any public outing with external individuals must be confirmed with company.

8. Change of appearance to the following: hairstyle, hair color, facial reconstruction, weight gain and many more must be approved by company.

9. Proof of identity must be confirmed by company.

10. Proof of residence must be confirmed by company.

11. Proof of employment must be confirmed by company.

12. Any sexual—ENOUGH.

"Is this a joke?" I close the file, "correction. This better be a joke because we are fake dating. We are not in a relationship, it's a made-up courtship to help sell your album and move the interest away from me."

Has GY Entertainment lost its mind?

"I know. Those rules are for a fake courtship. You'd be surprised at how common they are in this industry." Kai is smirking as he adds, "you should see the fake relationship rules. It has sections."

"Your company wants to tell me what to wear Kaine!" I yell because I am livid.

This is not even a contract. It is what they expect me to do for being associated with their client and that is messed up!

"Do not call me that." Kai's eyes thin to form a line. "No. YOU will NEVER call me that again."

As if I care.

"My clothes! My hair! My friends! My—"

"The clothes are because you don't clash with the luxury brands I am a brand ambassador for and the ones boycotted by the country!"

He shouts and it only makes things worse.

"The hair and friends and any other rule is for your safety. You will be assigned someone to watch over you, if you dye your hair red they can't protect you if no one can't recognize you. If they see you with someone unidentified, they'll assume it's a fan or someone trying to get to you."


All of it.

"Oh spare me the bullsh*t and propaganda KAINE!" I throw the file on the floor, "I am in this industry too remember that. I spent months on tour and before that, I was hired to play all over the world for different kinds of people. This is wrong!"

I am person, not some girl for hire they can control just for his benefit.

"I told you to STOP calling me that," he steps over the file to frown a few inches away from my face but I don't flinch.

"Or what?" I step forward to show him I am not scared of him. "Did you forget who I am?"

That in the ranks, I am not only higher but I am better than him in combat and weaponry. I took him down with my body tied to a chair and with a necklace.

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