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Taehyung opened his eyes, early morning and smiled at his secretary who was still in his arms, sleeping peacefully. "Wake up, Kook."
He shook him slightly.

Jungkook twisted in his sleep and hugged him even more tight. "Just a few more.." He mumbled with his eyes closed.

"I have to leave for work." Taehyung too, wanted the time to pause but he couldn't help it. "They'll say the CEO is late."
He looked at Jungkook, who was still in his sleep and not reacting to anything.
Taehyung smiled as he ruffled his hair and lied there for more time.

JungKook came out of his sleep and frowned when he didn't find Taehyung around.
He looked at the time. It was 9:36 in the morning.
"Taehyungie hyung." He shouted in the empty room. On getting no answers, he stood up from the bed and stretched himself.

With trouble in walking, he managed to go the living room to find his hyung, instead he found a gift box on the table.
It was a white box with a pink ribbon tied on it.

Jungkook slowly moved towards it and sat on the couch to admire it, when he found a note.

Yours Taehyung,
Good morning.
I'm sorry I had to leave early for work. I didn't want to wake you up from your beautiful sleep. (You were looking very cute so I kissed you.)
Last night was fun for me and for you too, I guess.
You must be getting trouble in walking so I'm not forcing you to come to work, you can just rest at home. I'll be back in the evening again..
This gift is for you. I forgot it in the car yesterday so am giving it today. I hope you will like it very much.
I love you :)

Jungkook blushed reading the letter. It was actually cute and somewhat cheesy as well.
He smiled widely and started to untie the ribbon.
His heart beat increased when the ribbon straps fell to on the four sides of the box. Gently, he picked up the lid and kept it aside.

His eyes glistened in excitement when he found a new phone inside.
Another sticky not was on top of it.
'Since you had your phone taken away. It's another one for you. My number is already saved. I love you :)'

Jungkook smiled and unboxed it, finding a black samsung inside.
He turned it on in joy and the first thing he saw was a Taehyung wallpaper. He chuckled at that and got to the contacts and the first and the only number saved was saved as 'Tae💕'.

He tapped on it to call Taehyung.

"Did you like it??" Taehyung questioned right after picking up the call.

Jungkook giggled. "Thank you so much hyung. I love it!"

He heard Taehyung sigh in relief. "I was so nervous. Thank god you liked it."

"Hyung, it was really not necessary. I could've bought a phone myself. You've already gifted me alot before."

"Nah.. I'll keep on gifting you, because I like it. And you can't say no to my gifts. That'll hurt me." Taehyung sulked.

"Then, when I gift you with my kisses, you'll not deny too."

"How can I??" Taehyung spoke. "I can never deny your kisses. I can even fight people to get to kiss you."

JungKook chuckled. "Don't worry hyung. You'll not have to fight people for that." He continued. "I can shower you with my kisses forever."

"Me too!!" Taehyung uttered through the phone.

"Are you at office right now?"

"Well..yes... I didn't want to come but Yoongi hyung told me that it was important to come today."

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