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Ch Song: School’s out - Alice cooper



“This is our cleanest room at the moment. Feel free to make it your own” Sam said, holding the door open for the blonde while she stepped inside. “Theres a bathroom connected there, and i can move any furniture in here for you if you need it” He finished.

The room was small but big enough for a single recipient. Like a college dorm room. A bed propped in the middle against the far wall just under the shelf that followed the length of said wall. Eachside adorned with nightstands and a lamp on the right. A dresser was in the closest left corner to the door with the drawers pulled out to reveal the empty wooden interior. Waiting for Scarlett’s closet. She’d for sure have to clamp down on the amount of clothes she could keep while living here. 

To the left sat a door wide open to reveal the porcelain tiles and a the corner of a mirror. Scarlett turned to sam and smiled awkwardly before dipping her head in thanks. “I’ll bring your stuff in for you” the younger Winchester offered, turning to walk away without another word. Not before gesturing to the room across hers. “Need anything else, Dean is in there” 

Pure dissapointment washed over her with a low groan. She’d have to deal with Dean? She could only hope he’d keep to himself and leave her alone.

The next few days of living rent free in the bunker werent so bad. Sam had brought in a few items for her room. A vanity for her makeup, a rug for the plain wooden floor. It was all good, Well except the fact that dean had done the exact opposite of what Scarlett had hoped for. Every chance he got he would make some stupid remark or comment about what she was doing or anything she found interest in. she was researching? “Book nerd” She was sleeping? “Lazy” new outfit? “Show off” Etc. it drove her insane. To the point that now she was waiting for a comment so she could slap him across his face and wipe off that smug grin of his. 

At the moment she was in the kitchen swaying to some music she had playing on a speaker while her hands worked over her pb&j. Smearing on the paste of peanut butter with a knife while downing a swig of beer in her free hand. Scarlett was at peace in the moment.

Dean was walking through the bunker halls in hope to find one of his burner phones. Having lost it a few days prior and only now finding the time to look for it. He suddenly stops himself and turns his head towards the open kitchen door. He leans back slightly to see scarlett swaying her hips to the music playing on her speaker. Her back turned to the door. A small smile plastered dean’s face and he stepped back to get a better view. His green eyes dragged over her features before he slowly opened the door and crept inside. When he was just behind her he found himself surprised she hadnt noticed him yet. 

Right before she grabbed the jelly to use, he gripped her sides in a taze. she shrieked, turned, and smacked him across the face in a quick swipe of her palm. He doubled back slightly and let out a roar of laughter, earning a sharp glare from Scarlett. her green eyes pierced him with a darkness that would usually send shivers down a man’s spine but it only fueled Dean further. “Come on Scarlett, admit it, that was funny” He chuckled, that stupid teasing smile on his lips. The redness on his face was far from fading and closer to bruising. He rubbed his hand over the mark and a chuffed laugh sounded. “Damn you hit hard”

“And I can kick harder” She snapped, her eyes narrowing on the man with a low huff. She spun herself around and continued her craft. He knew she was trying to seem threatening but he just smiled and leaned against the counter. Sam suddenly rushed into the room, a glare in his own eyes. “What was that?” He asked, narrowing his eyes on his brother and sighing when he caught sight of the finally fading mark across his cheek. 

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