Dream On

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The song for this chapter is pretty when you cry by lana del ray

Tw: some implied sexual action. Nothing crazy (i do plan on putting smut in this book but not for a LONG while.)

Wind whipped my hair across my face, lashing my freckles skin and earning A hiss from me while I ran. She raced ahead with her machete in hand. Those blue eyes landing on mine anytime she'd turn her head, checking and making sure I stayed close. Blood was smeared on both our faces from the fight. Siren's screeching behind us miles away. But we kept running. They'd only find dead vampires anyways.

We made it to a bridge overlooking a swift waved river. The waters rippling over the stones and mossy beds on each side, rushing beneath Us much like how we had rushed from the scene. I laughed out loud and so did she, our voices ringing back and forth. I smiled up at her, green eyes locked on blue. The almond shape so similar. Related. our laughter died into soft giggles while we leaned on the rail, arms interlocked. Her head leaned on my shoulder. One moment we were together, overlooking the river, the next I was alone in a dark nothing.

Smoke Laced around my legs like chains, forcing my feet back slightly into a stance I've come to know so well. My hands strung upwards towards the nothing. I was swaying to a distant melody humming. A ticking of shy clock. My eyes stuttered over my surroundings. Nothing. My sister was nowhere to be found. I'd lost her and she'd lost me to something so..nothing.

The clicking turned to a louder siren like sounds. “Wake up” she whispered. “Wake up scarlett” her voice so familiar. “WAKE UP”

My fingers drummed on the surface of the map table, tapping lightly on south America. the dim light created a calming glow against my face while I searched the web for some signs of a hunt. Something to keep my mind off that Scarlett blonde.

“Fuck..” I hummed, dragging my hand over my face and along my jawline. I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned back in my chair. The creak echoing through the 3am atmosphere that bear hugged the bunker. A sound broke that Distant silence. A low tapping, louder and louder until our eyes clashed. Green on green. One lost, one found. “hey” I said, trying to keep my tone light and somewhat friendly as to not piss her off anymore than she already seemed.

Scarlett waved her hand up in acknowledgment and crossed over to sit fumble through books I had laid out. “What are you doing?” her hissy voice rumbled my eardrums like a thunderstorm about to Crack my lightning.

“research” I replied dryly. The tension soaked my skin. We hadn't known one another long. Maybe a month or two? I couldn't remember. I'd been avoiding her for a bit. That tension didn't go unnoticed when I could see the look of pure heat in those cold eyes.

“boring..I thought that was Sam's thing” she huffed, that damn strand of hair dangling in her face driving me nuts. She seemed to catch onto my distraction and tucked it behind her pierced ear. Making it so much worse. That burn on my gut telling me I should do that. Shut up Dean. Think upper head.

“usually. But he's sleeping, and you should be too” I chimed, switching the subject against her. Those greens narrowed and darkened slightly. Fuck..I hated how much I loved that look. “What? Bad dreams?” I chuckled darkly, smirking at her when she rolled those eyes to the side. Her head turned, giving me a sight of the side profile. The gentle curve of her nose. Those long lashes, the way her bangs drifted to the sides of her face. my nose scrunched and I turned my own head with my hand scratching my neck. As if that would help the sudden heat.

“yeah I guess. Just the usual as a hunter” she responded quietly, I could tell she didn't want to disturb the gentle atmosphere.

“drink a beer, that usually helps me” I offered, waving my hand towards the hall that lead to the kitchen. The memory of her standing in there making that sandwich. The way my cheek burned where she slapped. The softness of her skin. Her curves drifting in the pj's she’d worn. Dammit my brains too far gone at this point.

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