Chapter 1: Incoming: Part 1 Keep Them Back

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3rd Pearson: Standing in a pitch black hallway strewn with gore  destroyed or ruined hospital equipment and furniture is a US Army Special Forces QRF Operative.

Guarding a set of revolving doors  untill the auxiliary generators come on to close the security shutters. Footsteps and wails echo from beyond the doors.

Coming Closer.

The Operative raises his sidearm a customized Beretta M9 (Not A A1) with a Trijicon RMR Day/Night Optic and Surefire P116C under barrel flashlight having long run out of ammo for his MP5.

Prepares to fire on whatever is walking towards the doors. Just as the operative code named Ragmar prepares to fire. On a blood covered convulsing human body twisting and convulsing in ways human shouldn't.

It flinches back covering its face with its right hand while swiping at the light From Ragmars  light while snarling and growing from the brightness. Is eruptly sent stumbling backward from a shotgun blast.

Peppering it's stomach and part of its hand with double ought buckshot

To Ragmars right. Another blast from Ragmars left sends it tripping over a mangled corpse with a splash as it lands ass first in a pool of blood and god knows what else is in that pile of liquid viscera.

Gurgling from a large hole in its chest.

Ragmar turns their head to look at the two shotgunners. However the second turns around and runs into darkness talking into a radio.

Roars can be heard from the door refocusing on the door Ragmar fires three bursts into the darkness beyond the door. Turning the roars into gurgles and groans.

Alongside a squelch that sounds like  chewing.

Ragmar Internal: Damn freaks. Your buddy gets blasted then two or three others get gunned down. But you stop to eat a corpse? Jesus the fuck did those shits unlease?

Police officer: (Walks up to Ragmar.) Uh sir you alright? Im here to help you.

Ragmar External: (Shakes himself out of his Internal monologue.) Yeah yeah im fine just thinking.

Police officer: About what sir?

Ragmar External: How these freaks can stop n cannibalize a corpse after hearing gunshots. They usually charge or bumrush us after hearing gunshots.

Police Officer: Could be a mutation. These things are known to mutate or evolve. Man i hate saying evolve makes me feel like we humans are the obsolete race. Anyways seems this mutation gifts them with increased hunger and reduced hunting drive.

Lucky for us. Means we won't run out of ammo as fast. Cons are we don't know how many and can't hunt them down.

Why does their mutations have to help as well as hurt them sir?

Ragmar External: Hmm don't know buddy guess  it's just part of life when dealing with this bio terrorist attack.

Police officer: Yeah i guess so. Anyways my im a Patrol Officer. Names Pepper.

My Full name is Pepper Alason Moringson. You?

Ragmar: Codename Ragmar   United States Army Service Number 540017830. You can call me Rag or Mar or whatever suits yer fancy. (shrugs.)

Pepper: I meant your actual name.

Ragmar: (Keeps sidearm pointed at darkness light on while making sure the handgun is loaded.) Classified.

Pepper: Oh come on! No one cares about that anymore. At least i think no one does. Besides you aren't gonna have your family of friends attacked for telling me.

Due to the Circumstances.

Ragmar: Classifieds classified tough luck. Don't like it? Suck my nuts n call me daddy.

Pepper: Fine then mr secrete. Also I will gladly suck your nuts and call you daddy if we survive this and if i mean if we get a break.

Ragmar: (Side eyes her.) i was joking about the suck my nuts n call me daddy part. It was meant as a vulgar insult

Pepper: Too late. (Heres pounding footsteps then raises shotgun towards doors.) Incoming!

3rd Pearson: Just as the first group of freaks as Ragmar calls them reaches the doors Ragmar and Pepper unload into them dumping round after round of  9mm and 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot into their chests and stomachs.

Ater the final round out of Ragmars sidearm is spent. Ragmar clicks the mag release grabs the mag  turns to the upside down loaded mag tapped to it.

Slams it home than begins providing covering fire for the Pepper who has begun to reload.

For the next full hour they alternate firing or reloading between kills. Just as things look grim the power returns with a whirl. Causing machines to turn on.

Heart monitors flatline breathing machines and vents hiss and whirl computer's ding etc. However the loudest sound is the gate closing. Which makes the freaks double down on getting through.

Luckily it closes quicky allowing only only one fully intact freak to get through and a split in half from the knee caps one to crawl though. After killing them.

The two gate guardians quicky lock it down then barricade it with the heaviest things they can find. Then turn around and head towards base. Just as the power is shut off to conserve fuel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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