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(Ignore how shit this is going to be.)

Tw: cursing (probably)

Percy's POV

Today started pretty normal, I woke up, got dressed, and headed to the dining pavilion for breakfast. Then Will told me we had to go to the big house. I was slightly confused but still went.

When we got there I saw Annabeth, Nico, Hazel, Jason, Thalia, Frank, Piper, Reyna, and Leo sitting around the ping pong table. Chiron was in his wheelchair at the far end of the table.

"Please take a seat you two," said Chiron. I sat next to Annabeth, and Will sat next to Nico. "I have gathered you all here to tell you that you all will be going to mortal school, specifically goodie high School,"

There was about two beats of silence after Chiron said that, before all hell broke loose. "What! Why," said Thalia. "This is an extremely bad idea with four big three kids," said Annabeth.

"I agree with Annabeth," is all I said. "This is non-negotiable. All of you will leave tomorrow," said Chiron. "Where are we going to stay?" Asked Piper.

"A home has been provided. Now, go pack, you're leaving at 12:00 on the dot tomorrow." There were some grumbles of disapproval, but no one said anything against Chiron's judgment.

So now here we are, at the bottom of Half-Blood Hill, shoving our stuff into the camp van. I hope this was a good idea.


Soooo what you think, love it hate it let me know. I will take some suggestions for the next few chapters.

265 words

-Peace ✌️

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