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~°□ • Fall || Solar year 757 Sol 79 • □°~


I was swallowed by the inky blue stains of morning before sunrise, still in some vain attempt to rest as I lay loosely snuggled in a cocoon of blankets pulled up to my chin. A cozy feeling hugged with faint companionship in my solemn little shadow-coated sanctuary, an irritated expression making way for the sleep eluding tired eyes.
Ruthless was my swirling worry and parting words; even when buried in the back of my mind, they were never truly forgotten.

I shift and dip my head lower to block out the light barely reaching the room from drawn curtains and lacking moonlight, or the weakened pitter-patter of letting rain.
I hadn't yet decided which.
The world was to be kept at bay, yet my mind refused to quiet with its tormenting images and thoughts of the forest I was hidden in - the sturdy trees silent sentinels standing guard of the clearing, wielding their raring flames of shifting leaves like weapons and armored greenery.

It wasn't long before I shifted once more, turning to lay upon my back before I sighed just to break the hush, failing to find a sense of familiarity and peace amidst my current surroundings.
Yes, the feeling was there in its vague cautions, but so was that ache digging the pit in my reverie.

The ceiling was an abyss I strove to get lost in, deep blues and shadows lingering above my settled mind like storm clouds sulking overhead.
I take in the lacking scene before turning my gaze to follow the hand that slipped under my pillow to pull out the tattered blue bag - glass clicking quietly inside, the weak weight was somewhat comforting in my hand.
Fabric rustles as I sit up, bangs shifting, and the bag was opened slowly.
A light motion and one of the smooth, delicate droplets was lifted, cradled in a loose grasp before it was held aloft; in my other hand, a little crest of pale yellow light formed in my palm.

The air hums softly with cadence to the lifted shadows - levitation used on the droplet to let my hand fall away as to not cast doubt upon the intricacies spun in glass. So clear it was almost an invisible casing around the whisps of vibrant colors swirling within, spun by the hands of a master to create an image of thin threads that danced and intertwined with each other in hues of pale red, blue, cyan, and white.
A smile pulls tenderly at my lips.
The droplet was slender, resembling falling rain captured in a moment that fit in my palm perfectly, and for a fleeting moment, simple, breathtaking beauty was all I needed.

Shimmering like sparks upon the ceiling, my pale gaze watched every dip and arch of color flash in celebration. The light reflecting off the delicate mystdew was my starspeckled sky - mapping its ever-changing universe to spin intricate visions of thin threads within the encasing of clarity that came to life with an unheard tune I imagined to be poise.
Each rotation of the droplet weaved those threads of glass with an illusion to movement more fluid than water.

I only wished to see the reflection in awed eyes.

Yet, the peace was all too brief. Thoughts press back in, a familiar pull that refused to be ignored.

My spell dims and snuffs out, the floating droplet falling quietly back into my palm, and with a reluctant acceptance the room was coated with shadows and dark truth.
The mystdew slid back into its bag before I drew it closed and resigned myself to thought.

My little sanctuary, now bleak and quiet, felt like a ̶p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶ chamber of poignant reminders.

Pooled blankets are pulled back at the thoughts prancing about my head, a snacky sense I could find and bring into my room just because of the opportunity - childish at best, a miniscule victory of rule breaking the male would never even have to know of. But I was too lazy to go out to the kitchen at such an hour.

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