~I think I'll take this home with me~

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"Weee! Water!" The small footsteps that were left by the little bare feet of (y/n) ran along the beachside all the way down to the open water.
"Hey, (Y/n)! Be careful not to trip!" The pink-haired adult cried out to his niece, followed by a sigh as he knew that no matter what he said, the child wouldn't listen.

"(Y/n), wait for me!" Her twin joined her, running down the beach, creating his own path of prints that matched his sister's.
"Yui! Hurry up!" The little girl in her cloud like suit waved. "There's a conch shell!" Koaru smiled at the two children, making his way to them as they both stared at the treasure.

"I heard that if you hold it to your mouth and blow, you can make a big, loud noise!" The adult grinned, making his niece and nephew's mouths widen.
"Really, Uncle Koaru?!" The young man nodded as they both smiled at each other.
"I'm going to make the loudest sound ever!" Said the girl before taking a deep breath.

As she blew out into the shell, nothing but a blunt, flat puff of sound came out. Whilst Koaru and Yuichiro laughed at her failed attempt, (y/n) pouted as she began to blush furiously in embarrassment.
"It's not funny! Watch when I become the greatest conch blower in the world!"


Sadly, the little girl would never remember this incident to even think of persisting with her goal.


'Please wake up. There are ten minutes until arrival.' Your eyes blinked open slightly as you began to sit up and stretch your limbs, feeling the gentle fabric of your light, mint-green shirt, and white shorts brush against your skin.
"Thank you, Carla." Your uncle spoke from beside you.

"I recognise that voice." You heard a familiar mascaline voice from somewhere nearby. "Wait- You two are here as well?!" You looked over to see Joe, Shadow, Miya, Reki, and Langa. You stared at the pink-haired man as he stormed off towards the green haired adult.
"That's my line, you feeble minded gorilla!"

"(Y/n)!" You now looked over to the others and began to approach them.
"Sup." You greeted them.
"When you said you were too busy to come along on this trip, I never thought it would be because you were going separately!" Reki grinned.

"(Y/n), it's nice to see you." Langa smiled as you faced him.
"Nice to see you all too."
"Hey, kid, you going to do anything about your uncle?" The ginger adult asked you, as you looked over to see the two men still arguing. You simply shrugged your shoulders.
"This always happens when they see each other."

"So, what brings you all here anyways?" You heard Koaru question the group.
"Vacation." Asnwered Kojiro.
"Hot healing spring." Said Langa.
"Tagging along." Spoke Miya, tapping away at his Nintendo.
"Babysitting." Shadow stated with his face turned away.
"So everyone is here..." Reki said.

'What a lovely coincidence...'


Once the cruise had arrived at the island, you walked down the steps just behind your uncle. Once you had passed Shadow, who was yelling at Reki for him to help out with the luggage instead of skating off, you jumped onto your own board and followed Joe, Miya, Cherry, and your classmate.

"This path is so fast!" Reki called out as you all skated as a group, only missing Shadow.
"So smooth!" Langa added. You stayed skating in pace with your uncle, deciding that you wanted some of the shade from his parasol.

"(Y/n), take yours." The adult held out a cloud filled umbrella to you, you gratefully taking it from him before opening it up.
"Now we match." You stated.
"So we do."
"Why a parasol?" Miya asked you both.
"He doesn't want to get a tan, whilst (y/n) just likes to match her uncle sometimes." Kojiro answered the teen.

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