Everything's Fine.

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A normal day for all of them, it's currently around 7 at night, Dinner time.

Sekido had made dinner, aizetsu helped him as always, but sekido was more quiet, it was weird, he was usually screaming cause of something he's mad at, or talking. But he had a look on his face too, as if he'd seen something, he looked very ill, he didn't look so good at all, aizetsu was getting concerned for sekido, he was wondering what was going on with his brother.

Sekido made his, karaku, urogi, and aizetsu's plate, he wasn't complaining about it like he normally did, something was wrong, just only the other day sekido was fine. Aizetsu looked back at sekido's face with more of a worried look, and grabbed the plates one by one to sit down at the dinner table. Before aizetsu went to get the others, he walked back up to sekido, and questioned him.

Aizetsu: " Hey, Sekido? Are you okay?... You look sick, maybe you should go to the doctors, even the hospital. " He said in a worried tone, the amount of concern he has right now for his brother was crazy.

Sekido: " Everything's fine. Everything's alright, Aizetsu. I'm fine, no doctors, no hospital. Everything's good. " He spoke very monotone, it almost sounded scary, he didn't sound mad, he seemed a bit... Scary, weird even.

Aizetsu didn't reply, he was a bit spooked from that voice sekido had, it was different. Instead, he just nodded his head to sekido, and went to urogi's room and told him dinner was done, and did the same with karaku. Aizetsu sat down at the table, karaku and urogi were as loud and cheerful as always, they talked to eachother very annoyingly at the dinner table. Weirdly, sekido wasn't there at the table, he wasn't eating with them, and that's the moment when aizetsu knew in his heart something wasn't right, karaku and urogi hadn't noticed nor cared, they continued to eat and talk, aizetsu was getting really paranoid.

Aizetsu: " Karaku, Urogi? " Aizetsu spoke in a scared tone, but he needed to get their attention. Suddenly, the two stopped talking and turned to aizetsu, a bit surprised by the tone out of nowhere. Karaku: " Yeah? What's up, Zetsu? " Karaku replied, not sounding too much how he usually is. Urogi: " What is it? " Urogi spoke, not sounding energetic like how he was a moment ago, he could tell it was something serious, judging by aizetsu's tone.

Aizetsu gave a sign to the both that he'd talk to them about it later, and he finished eating, and washed his plate and utensils/utensil he had used to eat, karaku and urogi did the same, except they didn't clean at all, they just tossed their dishes and all of that in the sink, and those two went to sit in aizetsu's room, waiting to hear what he was gonna say earlier.

Sekido was sitting on the couch, he wasn't in his room with even how late it was. He was watching the news, which he normally didn't do, he only did it if it was serious, but aizetsu peeked from the kitchen to the living room to see what sekido was doing, and saw on the news, something horrible. The news reporter spoke seriously.

" Be warned everyone, there is a sudden virus, or infection going on. If you see anyone that looks extremely ill, that could mean they are infected by it. Do not stay, if anything, run. Run away to somewhere safe, hide the people you need to protect. "

Aizetsu's heart dropped, his eyes widened, and he froze while looking at the news. He was horrified as he turned slowly to sekido, seeing how ill sekido looked. He had to go, he had to be gone by tomorrow before it was too late. But he didn't want to, he loved sekido, sekido was his brother, he didn't wanna leave him like that, but he didn't have a choice.

Aizetsu quickly walked to his room, trying not to be noticed by sekido, and he shut and locked the door as soon as he got in there, and turned around to see karaku and urogi messing with aizetsu's bunny.

Karaku and urogi turned around to look at aizetsu, they had a bit of a confused face on, because aizetsu looked absolutely mortified, he was breathing shakily, and couldn't get words out of his mouth without it getting caught in his throat.

Aizetsu: " Sekido... He's... Something's wrong.. " He breathed out, Looking like he was going into a panic. He almost fell over, but urogi quickly got up and caught him, and set him on his bed and hugged him, sitting by him on the bed, and karaku joined him.

Karaku: " Sekido? What's happening with him? Is it that bad, Aizetsu? " Karaku questioned, patting aizetsu on the head softly, and he put the bunny back in the spot it was in. Urogi: " What's wrong? " Urogi questioned, still hugging him and trying his best to comfort.

Aizetsu: " The.. The news.. Put the news on,  please.. " He breathed out, starting to cry. Karaku quickly looked at urogi and aizetsu, and grabbed the remote, turning on the news, and rewinded it a bit, and watched it, to see the warning of the so called " virus " going on. Urogi and karaku watched in silence, and it snapped to them immediately, that's what was wrong with sekido, he got infected by whatever that was on the news, and aizetsu was right about sekido being infectious, he could see it in his face, on how he had acted the past two days, his face that looked insanely ill, his slow movements and little words, and how he wasn't acting so angry like how he usually was.

Karaku and urogi couldn't believe it, so karaku went on and spoke. Karaku: " Come on, that couldn't be true, right? The news has some pretty fake shit sometimes, so I think sekido's faking it to teach us a " lesson. "


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