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You woke up early today for once. You just can't afford to arrive late again! Everything was set out to be perfect, and for once, your morning wasn't a complete disaster! You actually managed to even cook yourself a quick breakfast! You feel motivated today, surely nothing can-

"FUCK! STUPID BIRD SHIT!" You yelled out, when you suddenly stepped into....a literal shit. Well, looks like your luck didn't last. How unfortunate...

"Hey, bad morning?" Axel greeted you at the counter, when you entered the store. "Everything was fine, until I stepped into...a shit." You grumbled in annoyance, staring at your stained shoes. But then...you heard something appalling...Axel was laughing. You snapped your head up at him, and gasped.

"Sorry- sorry! I couldn't help myself.. you must have terrible luck." You nodded. "Yeah." Going over to the counter, you grabbed your hat, and put it on your head. "By the way, I'll never forget that you actually laughed at my misery!" You joked, cackling a little.

Axel smiled, but gasped at your words. "Well, if it's gonna be like that, I'll make sure you have TWICE the work tomorrow!" You rolled your eyes, smiling at his silliness.

"Well, good luck on your shift!" He waved to you, and was about to leave, but then..you suddenly remembered the weird guy you sold cigarettes to, the night before. Maybe..you could ask Axel, if he knows something about him.

"Hey, Axel?" He hummed, stopping at the door. "Do you... know something about this...creepy weird guy, wearing a hood over his head, and black gloves..?" His gaze darkened at the description of the man you served yesterday... How strange...

"You... Met hood?" You gave him a questionable look at the choice of the 'name'.

"Hood?" "Yeah, we call him like that, because he doesn't bother for a conversation much.." So...Axel apparently served this guy too. That somehow makes you more uneasy. You thought that...maybe, there's a chance that he was just a figment of your own imagination. Maybe, you just knocked yourself out, and only dreamed about him...but then again, the way his gaze was burning into your soul, was way too real for it to be a dream.

"What do you know about him...?" You decided to ask Axel, in hopes of getting some information about him. Axel slowly shook his head. "No.. as I've said, he doesn't bother for conversation. The only thing he ever buys are cigarettes." You nodded in defeat.

Well, if he never actually hurt anyone, and only bought cigarettes, then you suppose you shouldn't worry much.. "But... try to be a little careful around him, that guy never gave me good vibes." Oh. Nevermind, guess you have a reason to worry about him. Axel looks unsure about him..

Another shift, another chance to get that bag. You're really in just for the money, huh?

You went across the aisles, looking at all the stuff, that needs replacing. Well, this is not really an ideal job, but it's something. And you suppose that's better than nothing.

A bell sounded off, so you quickly rushed up to the counter, wanting to serve the customer. You were silently hopping it wasn't 'Hood' again... You really don't want to be put in that position again.

You coughed a little, to gain the person's attention, and it looks like you got lucky! It wasn't that weirdo, but some nice old lady.

You smiled at her, relief washing over you. "Hello, how can I help you?" The woman slowly looked at you, a small smile making its way towards you.

There he is... Looking at him like this, my targets pretty easy.. just gotta rush in, plunge my knife in him- and it'll be over. Maybe I could slit his throat and watch the dark pools of blood trailing down his mouth, while failing to desperately run away from me... I love when they run..

He seems distracted, talking to this lady.. I may have a chance to mess with the boy before leaving him here left for dead.. maybe then, the boss would at least let me eat..

I decided to break the intensity of my staring through the glass window, and take a step into the store, when the elder lady was leaving.

Let's mess with the cashier..

You huffed when you put the lady's money in the cashbox. That's another successful job! Great going Y/N! You praised yourself, not noticing that you now had company.. "Hey!" You jumped a little, surprised by the sudden voice.

It was a skeleton..he wore an almost turquoise hoodie with fluffy ends, and black and white shorts. His eyes were completely pitch black a... Tears? Running down his cheek?

"Ah! Hello! Uhm- how can I help you? Sir.." the man hummed, seeming to be in a trance as he observed you... He was also giving you pretty creepy feelings... "What I want?" You nodded, a little put off by him. You backed away a little when he leaned in closer... What's going on?

"I want you..."

You froze upon hearing that, getting...freaked out. Who the hell does this guy think he is? You sneakily reached underneath the counter for a baseball bat, that Axel left you here 'in case of emergency'...

"...What does that mean?" "I want..a job.. here. With you." You looked at him in confusion.. maybe he was just nervous earlier when said he wants you..? Or maybe he was making fun of you. You shook your head a little. Stop being stupid Y/N! Of course he's suspicious! Everything about him just screams 'danger!'

You decided to play along to his 'game'. What an idiot.. he doesn't think you know he's only playing you? You give him a warm smile as you would to any customer.
"An extra pair of hands always help! Of course you can work here!"

He looks at you in shock, slowly processing your words.. "Wait- really?" Now he was the one backing away when you leaned in close..

"No." You gave him a cold look, glaring at him all the while. "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to not see over your white lies?" He was still staring at you in shock, even after you backed away from him, your smile returning back.

"Will that be all, sir?"

The man gave you an amused grin. It seems like he's pretty entertained.. he suddenly offers his hand, making you give him unsure looks..

"Names Blade. How bout you, Starlight?"

A/N: For people that didn't come from my Tumblr, if anyone's confused about the names, I have my own nicknames for the Bad guys! ^^

I'll write them here for you:
· Dust - Ace
· Horror - Ted
· Killer - Blade

Hope this'll clean up any confusion!

(Here's my Tumblr btw:

It's also written in my profile on here!

OUT OF BREATH, OUT OF MIND | Bad Sanses x M!READERWhere stories live. Discover now