Day 8: dress up🪻

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Heyyy!!! Omg, sry 4 ghosting all of you guys😭
I've been in school and all so I've been trying to touch my Wattpad acc but I've been busy.
I'm finally feeding you guys with this chapter😋
also TYSM 4 2.54k!
I never think I'd make it this far, after making my first acc on November 17 2023(?) I rlly thank all of you that have been anticipating for next chapter and it's here!
I'm done talking 😪
Vixella's pov:
I groaned when my dad tried to ask me how school was. I ignored the question and isolated myself in my room to binge trashy tv shows all day. I was mid episode when my dad knocked on my bedroom door. "What dad?" I paused the tv.

my dad opened the door, a flash of light from the stale and dusty lamps shine through the open door. "I have a surprise for you!" he smiled, I got suspicious.

I walked out of my room, a frozen human skeleton with a gray dress. I instantly knew what he was pushing, the prom was advertised all around the colony and he held the poster in his hand looking smug.

Cyn and Jessica were at the door not allowing my to escape. I knew I was done for, I had to go to the prom...

"Take the dress and change loser" Jessica threw the dress toward me.

"dépêche-toi, le bal est dans une heure" cyn pushed me, I was confused.

"She said to hurry because the prom is in an hour" Jessica said.

I entered the bathroom, I started changing. The dress suited me, it was nice but it wouldn't match with my hat so that has to go. I looked in the mirror, and lifted a piece of my hair. A weird symbol that was plastered all over the walls last week appeared on my visor, I widen my eyes as the sight of the symbol broke the mirror.

It would be embarrassing to exit the bathroom and them to notice the mirror broken, I looked around for an escape. A medium sized vent was large enough to fit in but seemed dark. It was the only escape that isn't the door. I climbed onto the toilet and into the vent.
Cyn's pov:
"tu ferais mieux d'espérer que le plan fonctionne ou sinon je te démonterai..." j'ai dit

"Seriously learn English..." Jessica jugée
Thanks 4 staying patient with me >,<
You guys are the reason I still write so I hope you enjoyed this short variation of my chapters and as always...


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