Day 7: terrified...

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Before we start I just want to say thanks for the 1.59k+. I really love the support.
TW: a little swearing 🤬
Vixella's pov
The silence shows how scared we are. I could see T looking at me for some seconds but looking back. I could tell he was feeling what I'm feeling, fear. "Yeah, no." I say and start walking in the OTHER direction. "W-we need to take that thing out before it kill more people." Nathan says as he steps forward.

"ITS BEEN KILLING PEOPLE?!" I yell. T gives me a 'shut up please' look. "ITS BEEN KILLING PEOPLE THO-" I whisper yelled.
Nathan's pov
I starred at the rafters before making a decision. "Guys let's go." I say slowly backing up. They follow too, but I backed up too far and I felt something wrap around my waist. It was a tentacle from the monster, I was caught...
Vixella's pov
I turn to Nathan but freeze. "Where did Nathan go?..." I whisper to T. We both realize that he had been taken, we share scared looks and we book it. A few seconds later we ran into Nathan? But he seemed holographic. "Hello chums. It is I Athan." The holographic version of Nathan said. "Yeah, umm... it's pretty obvious that your not nathan." I say pointing to him.

"No, it's indefinitely me-" the holographic Nathan was cut off my T's shuriken cutting something. The real Nathan dropped from the ceiling. "Thanks guys! I really owe you guys!" Nathan panted and ran off. We stared at each other then looked back at the fucked up L...

"What even are you?" T yelled

I kept my glare at the beast, making sure it didn't do anything funny. T glanced behind us, before quickly looking back as if nothing were there. One of its eyes popped down and made a hologram

"I'm surprised you haven't recognized us, it's rude to not say hello.."A hologram of my dead mom appears.

"Woah... what's with the mom hologram?.." I said backing up a little, glancing around for T to reassure myself. "T...?" He had vanished, I glanced behind me. There were hands connected to spiky tentacles that slithered closer to me.

"Now it's time for some drastic measures" L glitched. My dad being held by her cord-y hands.

"No you wouldn't..." I looked at her horrified.

"Bye-bye dad" L tore my dad, globs of oil splattering down from where he was being held, my eyes widen more. L dropped the bottom half of my dad, biting onto the upper half, before dropping his corpse. L roared and then a fucking missile shot from behind, exploding on eldritch L.

T appeared, shooting at the fucked up L, "Vix! Shoot!" He yelled as he tried to snap me out of what I just had seen. "Vix shoot or give it to me!" He snapped as his hand reached out for my hammer gun thing. I give it to him.

T smiled as he disappeared, L's cord arm holding my only defense. She held my head, it felt like my visor was about to break.

"Into my mouth now." L said, raising me toward her fanged mouth. A loud growl if a chainsaw came echoing through the hall we were in. T sliced L in half, slicing more of her limbs. Grabbed me flying a far distance before a bomb blew up on eldritch L.

T protected me from the blast, my dads corpse flicked away as it were only a mere hologram. I looked around before speaking, "what parts of that were real...?" I utter, sounds of metal clanging before something came out of L. It was a weird flesh thing.

"Sneaky sneaky" the flesh thing said, T stabbed it before it got away.

T goes to touch my should but I move myself away. "W-what are you things?"

Hey y'all! Sorry for ghosting you guys and being dry.. school and stuff. But I promise I will update :)
Also thanks for over 2k reads! I'm very great ful that my story is doing so well! And it's also very cool since I'm a beginner writer! If any of my readers are struggling to write and make a successful story, I know what your dealing with! Just keep a clear mindset and make something original or something based off a fandom or AU! Hope I made your week by posting!

And again as always...


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