~I'll talk to Adam anyways Pt2~

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AN~ (y/o) = your outfit


"Good afternoon, Yuichiro." The young man greeted the boy as the twins entered the desolate skate park. "I see you brought your sister with you today, hmm?"
"Afternoon, Mr Shindo." Yuichiro greeted, whilst (y/n) tried to avert her attention from the adult.
"G-good aft-afternoon,"
"Nice to see you again, my sweet (y/n)." The navy blue-haired man smiled.

When he said that, the little girl felt a shiver up her back. His whole tone and wording made her feel uncomfortable.
"I brought (y/n) with me today so that she could meet you properly." The male twin began. "I want her to understand that you're actually not scary."

"Does your uncle know you're both here?" Ainosuke asked the two kids, as (y/n) looked up expectantly to her brother.
"Well, not exactly." Yuichiro said, causing his sister's eyes to widen slightly. "I asked him about coming to meet you, but he said that we weren't allowed."

"I see." Shindo frowned a bit at that but quickly reverted it back to his usual grin. "Never mind that. You're both here now, right?"
"So, (y/n), are you interested in skating?" The little girl shook her head, as she had never properly attempted the sport. "Would you like to try?"

The child instinctively took a step back behind her sibling. "C'mon sweety, I don't bite." (Y/n) continued to observe the young man with frightful eyes, not enjoying the grin she was getting from him. "Don't be scared. Remember, your brother is here with you as well."


The most terrifying type of people are the ones whose true colours can't be seen by those closest to you.


As the rain drickled down your face, you began to feel colder with every passing second. Before you knew it, tiny little sneezes started to escape from your figure. You could feel your body begin to shiver, yet when you felt your body, you were burning hot to the touch.

"(Y/n), what are you doing, you idiot?" You turned at the mention of your name. It came from an expensive looking black car that was a few centimetres behind you. You couldn't see the driver from where you stood due to the rain and darkness of the night, so you decided to approach the vehicle.

As you looked into the car's window, watching it as it winded down, you were surprised by the person you saw.
"What?" The identical male asked, a frown resting on his face. "Just hurry up and get in the car."

As you did as you were told, you observed his face from the rear view mirror whilst he drove.
"Where's Adam? I think I saw you with him before." You were still curious about the male's relationship to you, though you remembered when Cherry told you that you didn't have a twin.

"I thought you didn't like Adam, and what's up with the monotone voice?" The boy asked you, you tilting your head.
"I don't like Adam, but how would you know that? Also, I think I've always been like this..." You watched as his eyes widened and eyed you for a second before turning back to the road.

"(Y/n), what are you on about? Do you seriously not remember me? It's only been five years."
"Heh? So do I have a secret identical twin or not...?" You wondered aloud. You both sat in silence for a couple of seconds, the only noise being the pattering of rain against the windshield and the engine of the car wirring.

"What happened to you?" The male's voice sounded concerned for you whilst you simply sat back in the car, wanting to shut your eyes.
"I don't know, but Adam does. That's why I want to talk to him, because no one ever tells me anything..."

"Do you not know me?" The boy asked again. "Listen, I know we didn't end off on the best terms, but please say that you at least remember who I am." You stared at the figure's face again, but nothing came to mind.

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