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The thing I find weird is the urge to grab Nabi's hand instead of Yunjin's and take her away, ask her all the questions I wasn't able to these past few years, tell her everything I ever felt, ask her everything about her life, what happened in her life.

But the look in her eyes, in her voice, her personality, it all seems too different from what I remember.

"What happened here?", a resonant voice, probably that of a teachers, enters the room. From my peripheral vision, I see all the heads turn to the front of the class, including the girl who I'm staring at.

"Nabi. Yunjin. Care to explain?", the teacher asked."Come to the staff room this instance.", and with that he left, Nabi's eyes turning back to me, making me nervous. She has this little smirk on her lips that's making my heartbeat ten times faster than it should.

Her eyes avert from me back to Yunjin, who returns her gaze, before walking away. Right after she leaves the classroom, my eyes still glued to the door through which she left, Yunjin turns to me."Hyunjin.", I look down at her."Stay away from her, please."

And after breaking my heart like that, Yunjin walks away, leaving through the same door Nabi did. It's not like it was my first time being with Nabi... yet Yunjin said that. Am I not good enough for Nabi?

It's not like I was never with Nabi. I was always with her first... from the start.

A whole period passes by but Yunjin and Nabi don't return. The bell rings, indicating that the class has been dismissed and its finally recess. I stand up, making my way out the school building and to the back of the school, where there's usually no one.

Where I escape my thoughts and the will to scream and let the world know of my voice.

But surprisingly enough, there is someone. And I don't like what I'm seeing. The puff of smoke comes out of her mouth as she holds a cigarette between her fingers. Her eyes end up on me as I was not so careful about hiding my appearance.

"Oh! The boyfriend!", she smirks, one corner of her lip slightly higher than the other. It's almost as if she's making fun of what I am or what I'm not."What, you find me more prettier than your little girlfriend that you even followed me here?", she throws the cigarette away, turning to me and walking towards me. Her smirk never disappears when she looks at me, does it?

"Come on. What's wrong? You become quiet everytime you see me.", she crosses her arms, adding most of her weight on her right leg."Hwang. Hyunjin."

My breath hitches in response to her saying my name, almost scared that she recognized me."Your names pretty. Like your face.", but no, it seems she doesn't recognize me. It was just the name tag on my uniform.

"Aren't you gonna say something? We're seeing each other after so long. Are you shy now?", oh, she does recognize me.

"...", my voice almost comes out on its own. Like it's normal for me to answer her.

"I heard some kids saying you're so handsome and your only red flag is that you don't talk. Are you really like that? Not talking at all?"

"...", I want to defend myself but I can't. And even if I could, I wouldn't know what to say because maybe I'm just pretending to be like this.

Maybe, I'm a fake person.

"Come on, flower boy. Say something. Are you still that same crybaby or are you like a really hot dude now? Hm?", she asks, seemingly returning to what I once knew her as."Aye. Say something."

"Hyunji-", I hear Yunjin's rich and smooth voice pause, along with the crushing sounds of the leaves under her feet as she stops in her tracks. I turn around, looking at her as her gaze shifts between me and Nabi.

Almost as if I cheated on her.

Her eyes pause on Nabi for some reason, and as I look back at Nabi to look for the 'reason', I see the same smirk I saw on her lips not long ago.

"What are you doing here?", Yunjin asks, thinking it was directed to me but no, it wasn't.

"I was kissing...", I notice Yunjin's breath hitch for some reason--but wait... kissing? I look back at Nabi. Kissing who?

"I'm not stup-"

"... my cigarette.", her smile transitioning to a more genuine one. Although, I'm not so sure if its actually a genuine one. Yunjin takes a deep breath yet again, looking around as she crosses her arms, not looking very happy.

"Hyunjin.", she says before walking up to me and taking a hold of my arm."Let's go.", she turns around, tugging on my arm, expecting me to follow after her.

But I don't. She turns her head towards me, looking at me with a puzzled expression."What's wrong? Let's g-"

I want to stay with Nabi. I want to but she's already walking away. Why is she so different now? She used to follow me all the time... but it's not like that anymore.

"Hyunjin?", Yunjin looks at me with a slightly upset expression. I look back at her."Do you know her? You're never like this with anyone. Why is she different? Not even to me. You don't even follow me. I've been your friend since forever and you never once shared anything to me. Hell, you never even talked to me once. Don't you understand how I feel? I keep telling myself that it's fine. One day, you'll come to me and smile at me, talk with me and laugh with me but no. You just go away to some random girl who you haven't even known for that long. What does she know about you that I don't? Why is she special?", she slowly takes steps towards me, inching closer and closer until I start taking steps back.

She's angry. I've never seen her angry at me before.

"She doesn't even know anything about you, just your name and you go after her as if you've known her all your life. I was there for you always, Hyunjin. How come a random girl who you haven't even spent time with for more than an hour more special than me, who's been there for you the whole time?"

I'm afraid to even walk away from her right now because I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't want her to think that I'm not considering her feelings in this matter.

But what I do want her to know is that she's wrong.

No one but Nabi has always been there.



I feel like I should start like getting straight to the points and not walk around the bush with filler chapters yk what I mean? Cz I'm just i have no idea for filler chapters right now

Anyways I started watching stranger things like yesterday and its so good so far and I cried a lot and I'm on season 2 now🙃

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