Chapter 1: The World Really Is Ending.

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Hello reader. This is my formal introduction to you as the narrator of this story, but don't worry. I won't talk about myself unless it's a dire necessity to, so you just keep wondering about who I am. Before I bring you back to nearly the beginning of the apocalypse, I should admit to you that I am not the most reliable narrator. Only because my memory is short, and bits and pieces have been recited to me from other people.

Remember, I'm just the messenger.


The apocalypse was not something anyone had anticipated. Obviously not, otherwise they would have prepared better. They would have built stronger bunkers, kept more weapons and ammunition. They would have stocked up on food, supplies, everything they needed to keep themselves holed away from what was happening to the world for months on end. But they didn't. Nobody was ready. Sure, some people had bunkers in case of things like earthquakes and tornadoes, but they were useless when the sickness was coming from inside. From their sick relatives and friends lying in bed, hallucinating with the fever. From the old lady neighbour they'd bring dinner to every Thursday. From the unwell-looking postman. The whole of America was deep in the shit as soon as the walkers took over. Few survived. Very, very few. And those that did, kept to themselves. They didn't go searching for others. Because after a few months, the survivors were the most dangerous thing on the planet.

Florence Grimes grew up idolising her brother Rick. When they were kids she'd follow him around, copying what he'd do, how he'd talk. She'd pretend that she loved to play football like him, or climb trees like he did. She didn't really like either of those things, but it was so important to her to be like her brother, she didn't care.

When she was 9 and he was 11, she realised she was different from him. Not sick in the head, but cared less than he did. She'd stare at roadkill, he'd bury it. She'd watch baby birds fall out of nests, he'd return them. He moved to middle school and befriended a boy his age, Shane Walsh. Florence never liked Shane, he'd pull her hair and make fun of her teeth. Rick was at the age where he'd get sick of his little sister following him around everyday, and would often enable Shane to make fun of her, by starting it. She'd sit in her room and plot her revenge, but never acted on it.

By the time she turned 11, Rick and Shane were in their final year of middle school. She had given up trying to win her brother's attention as much as she used to. Shane still pulled her hair whenever he came close enough. She made her own friends and had a group of girl best friends that she'd often invite to the house, all of which shared her hatred for Shane and Rick whenever they saw how they treated her.

Whenever she was 16, Rick and Shane were preparing to graduate high school and train to become Officers. Now she was starting to gain attention from a lot of boys. She was growing up, she was beautiful. Her teeth were straight, her hair was beautifully golden, soft as a kitten's fur. It wasn't hard for her to gain attention, boys seemed to fall at her feet. But she ignored them all, apart from one. Alec Whitlocke, a nerdy boy in her class that believed science was the greatest gift to mankind. She didn't like him because he was smart, she liked him because he was kind to her, and wouldn't try to impress her. He could make things explode, perform the most intricate surgeries on animals. He was sure of himself, and would help her out with her homework. He'd take her on dates, he'd be respectful. She really, really liked him. What she didn't like, was the way Shane looked at him. Anytime Rick had Shane over and she had Alec over, Shane would ask him really pressing questions. He'd bully him. He'd openly make fun of him, but in a way that wasn't outright obvious.

At 19 years old Rick and Shane were Officers, and would visit often. Her being now 17, Rick found his little sister less annoying, and was kinder to her. It wasn't long before the two found their common grounds, and were fast friends. Shane had stopped pulling her hair, but now he was also... nice. She often found him staring, and couldn't stop herself from staring right back. Every time the boys would come back to visit Shane seemed more muscular, more mature. She was dating Alec now, but she wasn't happy with their relationship. Regardless, things remained silent until she attended her best friend's 18th birthday party. Rick was meant to pick her up, but wanted to spend time with his girlfriend Lori, so Shane went. When Shane arrived, Alec had had too much to drink, and was trying to get it on with Florence when she didn't want to.

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