𝐢. toretto's market shop

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chapter one.

    CASSIDY MARTINEZ has been holed up in Los Angeles since the dawn of time; spending her days perched behind a rickety wooden counter in Toretto's shop

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    CASSIDY MARTINEZ has been holed up in Los Angeles since the dawn of time; spending her days perched behind a rickety wooden counter in Toretto's shop. Despite being one of the best street racers in the city, her brother, Carlos, orders her to remain in the old building to keep herself from serving any time again. But as soon as the shutters on the shop slam closed and the lights of Los Angeles sprinkle on, Cherry is able to return to the solace of her red skyline.

Cherry was the name of the infamous skyline and after her first race in the amazing vehicle years ago, Cassidy acquired the fruit as her own nickname and it's just stuck. There's worse things to be called in the street racing world.

Day-dreaming of the sound of her exhaust, Cassidy Martinez is currently sat beside Mia Toretto with her head resting in her hands inside Toretto's market and cafe. She drifts off peacefully into her own mind, planning out alterations she'll be adding to her car before the races tonight. Despite her focus on other things, she still manages to hear as a familiar truck rolls into a space across the road.

Mia nudges her elbow out, jabbing Cassidy in the ribs gently, "He's back," She chimes, nodding her head towards the blonde man that strides towards the shop with purpose.

Groaning, Cassidy slips off the stool and runs a stressed hand through her hair, "I'm tempted to leave," She mutters, her eyes running over all the objects laid across the counter just incase she can grab one and pretend to be occupied by it.

"Shut up," Mia laughs, spinning around in her seat to smile mischievously up at her friend, "He obviously likes you, Cass. Just humour him, and me. Give him a shot."

Cassidy glares at her before sighing and moving her gaze to the approaching man to study his potential.

Brian O'Connor is a recent addition to the shop's frequent costumers. Every single day for three weeks, he's been turning up outside in a red truck and strolls across the road as if he's lived in LA his entire life. The first time Cassidy laid eyes on him, she did feel something flutter in her stomach but then he opened his damn mouth and attempted to flirt with an over-cocky line.

Rocking his usual smirk, Brian settles down onto a creaky stool opposite Cassidy as she fiddles with the cash till. Immediately, she feels his blue eyes burn into her face and she bites her lip to refrain from smiling under his gaze.

"Tuna on white, no crust?" She guesses without bothering to lift her head.

It takes him a moment for his eyes to move from her face before they flick down to the magazine he always brings in and he pretends to look through a few pages, "I don't know," He replies, "How is it?"

"Shitty, as always," She tells him truthfully, finally lifting her gaze to meet his eyes. She tilts her head and waits patiently for him to tell her the order that she's already guessed.

cherry , brian o'connerWhere stories live. Discover now