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chapter two.

    PULLING UP TO THE ABANDONED COMPLEX at the other side of town for tonight's drag race, Cassidy sits behind the wheel of her red skyline with the window rolled down and Long Way 2 Go booming through her stereo

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PULLING UP TO THE ABANDONED COMPLEX at the other side of town for tonight's drag race, Cassidy sits behind the wheel of her red skyline with the window rolled down and Long Way 2 Go booming through her stereo. As she pushes through the large crowds of people, her arm sticks out of her window, fist-bumping and high-fiving those who recognise her, which appears to be everyone, meaning that she's moving at a single mile an hour towards somewhere to park.

Spotting a familiar figure a few metres from her car, she rolls up in front on him and ducks to look through her passenger side window, "Brian?" She asks incredulously, spinning the dial of her music until it stops completely.

As his name is called, the blonde man bends down and rests his forearms on the bottom of her window to peer inside her car and smirk at her, "How you doing, Cass?"

She smiles at him in shock for a moment before motioning towards the Mitsubishi Eclipse that he's positioned in front of, "That yours?" It's a lovely looking car, the majority being green and the highlights being a sharp blue. The vehicle is also decorated with bright green under glow, pairing perfectly with her own red lights. It seems their they're the only ones here who've bothered to fit the annoying but badass lights. Cassidy can't think of a more perfect car for Brian, even if it does surprise her slightly.

He nods confidently, "Sure is."

She hums and purses her lips, "Didn't paint you as a Mitsubishi kinda guy."

His brows raise, "Oh yeah? Well, I never saw you as a Nissan kinda lady."

"Didn't use to be. She kinda just appeared one day," Cassidy chuckles gently, patting the steering wheel, "I'm gonna pull up, might wanna mind out," She advises him before reversing smoothly into the empty spot beside his flashy green car.

He leans against his bonnet with his arms folded as Cassidy slides out of her car and shuts the door, allowing him to view her revealing outfit that's made up of a tight red shirt and small black shorts. Her hands, wrists and necks are decorated with jewellery and he can tell that her curls are fresh from how gorgeous they look dancing on her shoulders.

Meeting his eyes, Cassidy stands a foot away from him with her hands resting on her waist and her head tilted as she studies him too, "This is your first street race, isn't it?" She inquires, recognising his wide eyes and how quick he is to turn whenever someone speaks too close to him.

He nods, his eyes drifting away from her to look across the large crowds, "Yeah. Thought I'd come show Dominic what I'm all about."

She snorts and rolls her eyes at the stupidity of his notions, "I dropped by Harry's an hour ago. He told me he's not firing you. How'd you manage that?"

He laughs, "With my amazing charm and sick ability with cars," He holds his arms out and motions to himself, "Obviously."

"Mhm," She bites her lip, her eyes roaming his frustratingly handsome face, "I can't wait to see some of this... ability. You racing tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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