chapter 3: testing powers

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Intro(what almost everyone in the verse see (M/N) as):



The Hollow Earth I'm in right now is ...... Pretty disappointing, literally there was only rocks, magma, lava, few Crystal type minerals here and there and large sources of Water here and there, I'm probably in a time period where the hollow Earth isn't hospitable enough to birth life yet.

Thinking back to the battle that take place before I try to mutter only to be reminded of my inability to speak, an imaginary groan my lips as I look back at the Battle before..... At first when I was killing the Kaiju's it felt like I was slaughtering a bunch of cats and their Wells of agony reminds me of one...... But then the next moment I feel nothing.... It felt like I quickly got desensitize to it.... Is this one of my abilities? ..... Probably.

Walking through the Rocky terrain I test out my energy manipulation, firing at random boulders and punching them with supercharged punches just for the fun of it. After playing around for a bit I got serious extracting a energy out of my body I start to create random construct in the air bending it and shaping it to my liking. But soon I start to notice something..... Every time I bent and shape my energy something else is being bent and shaped..... It's gravity.... Pretty obvious when you know that any type of energy is a source of gravity.

Soon I begin to experiment with it by trying to manipulate the energy that does not come from my you would expect nothing happened....but I did managed to...... What was that word again? .......oh it's "discover" ....... Anyways I did manage to discover another ability I can use, energy absorption.

Strangely enough every time I absorb a energy my body grew more powerful.....say.... This reminds me of me firing that face beam thing at the breaches.... And I did remember feeling my body gets tremendously stronger after firing said my whole theme is getting more powerful for no reason? ...... Hope that's true cuz I ain't suffering like guts or any main character from any messed up anime.

Anyways going back to my Energy and Gravity manipulation the only way that the ladder would work is if I spread my energy around a large area, after the process was done I can speed up the molecules to generate heat and slowed it down to generate cold, manipulating the air and extracting the moisture out of the air..... The problem is.... This shit's useless against any Kaijus.

the moment I release my energy is the moment they immediately absorb it and even if they didn't absorb it right away....... What's a little heat or cold or air or water going to do against a giant creature that feeds on radiation? Nothing of course!...... might as well stick with energy blast and supercharged attacks for now.

....... Everywhere I look.......there's only..... Rocks, uranium, obsidian, lava, water......... Literally there's nothing special here in this universe hollow Earth...... Why the fuck am I even here? oh well, might as well test out some of my abilities in this terrain.

Energy blast:


Lesser Face beam thing...... I really need to come up with a name for this:

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