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"Is it my kid or not Tami?!" I yell, feeling my pulse quicken as the blonde swings her head around. The patrons of the salon's eyes go wide as Tami points to the door and then shoves me back, glaring. "What do you want me to say Lip? I've literally been pregnant for two days!"

More like two fucking months but who the fucks counting.

"It's a pretty simple question! Have you fucked any one else?" My voice is low and full of anger. I can't do this shit again. "You're standing here acting like you didn't fuck my sister last week! You self righteous asshole!"

I back away from her as she smacks at my chest, taking one of those deep needed breaths Nicole's always talking about. This conversation is going nowhere. "Whatever, Tami. I want to be here for you and the baby I just don't want to find out in nine months it belongs to Boone!" I'm yelling again - idly wondering why I give a shit who she's fucking. If it's Boone's kid that gets me out of the woods and I never have to talk to this fucking bitch again. "You need to get the fuck out of here. Now." Tami growls, shoving me again as she turns back to the door.

"This isn't over. We're talking about this!" I snap watching as she turns to face me again. "What happens is my fucking decision! Just get the fuck out and let me work!"

Tami slams the shop door in my face before I head down the street towards the bike shop - pulling a cigarette out and lighting it quickly. All the fucking people in the world and Tami Tamietti is the crazy bitch I had to knock up. I jerk my phone from my front pocket as it dings with a text message, glancing down while I take a long drag from my cigarette.

Wanna go?

It's a text from Nicole with details about some open mic night at a local place. We sat outside of the AA meeting until nearly midnight that first time talking and I learned that she's a motel manager by day and a guitar playing hippy by night. My grin reflects up from my phone screen at the thought.

"My dad taught me how to play when I was a kid. He wanted to be the next Kurt Cobain. I guess he succeeded in that...." Her voice had trailed off and she got a sad look on her pretty face before she shook the thought and smiled up at me with those gun metal eyes.

When? I text back quickly, rounding the corner to Born Free where Brad is waiting - rag in hand. Tomorrow night. 7:30. It's at a book shop. No booze.

Alright. Send me the address. I'll see you there.

I take another drag from the smoke before flicking it across the street and then I'm standing before my boss. "You and Tami make up?" He asks noting the stupid grin on my face. I shove my phone back in my pocket and look up at him. "Tami? No. You should have warned me about that one, bro."

I push past him entering the bike shop and going to my station - trying to push thoughts of Tami from my mind. She's going to be pissed when she learns I'm hanging out with Nicole but we're friends. If Tami is allowed to have a choice of baby daddies I can have a friend that's a girl.


"I was worried you weren't coming."

It seems like the only time I truly smile is when I'm with Nicole and I can't hide it as I meet her outside of the book shop, unable to stop my eyes from taking her in. She's wearing ripped blue jeans that cling to her shapely ass and a white halter top that zips in the front exposing her cleavage and the smooth tan skin on her stomach. An oversized sheer cardigan with tiny pink flowers completes the look and causes my grin to widen. She looks beautiful but I have to bust her balls.

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