10 commandments: you shall have no gods before me

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In a small village nestled in the lush green valleys of Rwanda, there lived a young boy named Kwizera. Kwizera was raised in a devout Christian family, where the teachings of the Bible were woven into the fabric of daily life. From a young age, he learned the importance of putting God first in all things.

One day, while exploring the village with his friends, Kwizera stumbled upon a group of travelers who had set up camp near the riverbank. Intrigued by their exotic appearance and colorful garments, Kwizera approached them with curiosity. The travelers were merchants from a distant land, and they had come to the village to sell their wares.

As Kwizera mingled with the travelers, he couldn't help but be captivated by the trinkets and treasures they had on display. Glittering jewels, intricately carved statues, and ornate idols adorned their makeshift stalls, each one more alluring than the last. Kwizera's eyes widened with wonder as he gazed upon the dazzling array of riches before him.

One of the merchants, sensing Kwizera's fascination, beckoned him closer and offered to sell him a small golden idol, adorned with precious gems and intricate engravings. "This idol is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune," the merchant explained. "With it by your side, you will never want for anything."

Kwizera was tempted by the merchant's words. The idol seemed to promise wealth, power, and success—everything he had ever dreamed of. But as he reached out to take it, a voice echoed in his mind, reminding him of the commandment: "You shall have no other gods before me."

Suddenly, Kwizera hesitated. He remembered the teachings of his parents and the countless lessons he had learned in church. He knew that true prosperity and fulfillment could only be found in God alone, not in material possessions or false idols.

With a heavy heart, Kwizera turned away from the golden idol and thanked the merchant for his offer. "I'm sorry," he said, "but I cannot worship anything other than the one true God." And with that, he walked away, leaving the glittering temptations of the merchants behind him.

As Kwizera returned home, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. Though he had been tempted by the promise of wealth and success, he knew that his faith in God was worth more than all the treasures in the world. He vowed to honor the commandment to have no other gods before him and to live his life in accordance with God's will.

From that day forward, Kwizera remained steadfast in his devotion to God, putting Him first in all things. And though he faced many trials and challenges in the years that followed, he never wavered in his faith, knowing that God's love and guidance would always be by his side.

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