Rule #1: Stay quiet. Pretend as though nothing is going on. Go back to your homes, your families, your jobs, your life as if you have no idea of what is about to happen.
Rule #2: Don't try to recruit. If the Gods spoke only to you and not your spouse, children, siblings, etc., then there is a reason. Spreading the word in attempt to get more Titans to join our side could instead jeopardize the whole plan.
Rule #3: Don't join the fight until given the signal. The Gods don't want any more harm to come to the Earth or its inhabitants than absolutely necessary. If they can resolve this without putting Titan families at risk, then they will. If not, be prepared to be called on at any moment.
Rule #4: This fight is against Kronos and those who stand with him. This fight is not against those who decide to stay neutral or any mortals living on the Earth. Attacking anyone other than Kronos and his supporters will be punished the same as those who willingly support Kronos.
The first day was a bloodbath.
Well, not actually, since immortals have ichor instead of blood and also can't die. However, once the Gods gave the sign - the sun disappearing from the sky as Helios drove his chariot straight into Kronos's palace - screams could be heard from every corner of the Earth. Titans attack each other left and right, regardless of the God's rules. After all, how could anyone know who was staying neutral and who was fighting for the Titan king? It's not as if anyone had bothered to hang a sign from the sky saying "This person should attack this person and this person should attack this other person."
Eos had been hiding at my palace in preparation for the fight. She was very pregnant and had managed to secure permission from the Gods that she could stay out of the fight while still keeping her job after the war. During the fight, it would be our job to escort neutral Titans and anyone else fleeing from the battle to Oceanus's palace, a neutral zone where healers waited for anyone that might need them. Hestia would also be there to represent the Gods and take care of any issues that might arise.
Eos and I are having lunch at my palace when the signal we've been waiting for comes. The once bright sky is thrown into darkness and, a moment later, I hear a loud explosion from the direction of Mt. Othrys.
We're both silent for a moment, staring at each other in the dark. The war has begun, and it's as though the entire world released a breath it'd been holding for a long time.
"That's the signal," Eos says finally.
"Yeah." I'm not really sure how to react. The meeting with the Gods had been a few months ago, and since then I'd played out dozen of scenarios in my mind of how this might go. However, I'd always held onto a small hope that the Gods would find a way to unseat Kronos without a fight.
After another silent moment, Eos pushes herself to her feet. "I suppose we should get out there and start helping the neutral ones to Uncle Oceanus's palace."
I nod and stand up to go after her. "Let me get my bulls ready and we can go."
When we get to the main room of my palace, my beautiful white bulls are uneasy. They shy away from their harnesses for the first time ever and one even swings its horns at me when I try to force him into it.
"Let me try," Eos says, but as soon as she gets near one of the bulls, he begins stomping his hooves and letting out angry puffs of air. Eos backs up quickly and grimaces at me. "Guess it's all you then."
I roll my eyes and, gritting my teeth, walk up to one of the bulls, grab one of his horns with one hand, and force the yolk over his head with the other. He bucks and tries to pull away as I tighten the harness, but I've known him since he was a calf and have always been stronger.
Cry of the Moon
FantasíaHave you ever looked at the moon? Not just at a passing glance or to admire how bright it is that night, but really looked? Have you ever wondered where the marks on it came from? How the mountains and valleys and craters appeared? Have you ever won...