Ԋσυʂҽ σϝ Ƈαɾԃʂ

109 9 16

This is written as part of a contest in the  महाभारतसंप्रदायः community hosted by Shree_313

This is my entry for activity 1



Ԋσυʂҽ σϝ Ƈαɾԃʂ

Every human in this universe belongs to more than one person and holds different emotions with them.

A man may be a father, a brother, a son, a grandson, a friend, a husband and more.

Similarly, a woman may be a mother, a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter, a friend, a wife and more.

So it is not unwise to assume, that when Shree Hari Narayan himself took birth on this Earth as a human being, he too was more than one.

A son to his parents, Vasudev and Devaki and Nand Yashoda, a loved one to Radha, the husband of his sixteen thousand eight hundred wives. A father to the sons of his ashtbharya, a grandfather to his grandsons, a brother to his siblings and cousins, a friend to Arjun, Panchali and more.

So when the time was for the birth of his son, Pradyumna, the one he had been waiting for eons to meet again, since his untimely demise by Shiva's anger, his heart had been thumping wild. Though he knew, his son would be alright, a father always worries.

A husband worried for his wife, his love.

With her last cry of agony also came the cry of his son, their child, their Kama took another birth, their son was born.

Krishn waited, with bated breaths, pacing outside the room, before his mother came out, her eyes tearful in joy.

His Dau reassuring him with a hand on his shoulder.

" Congratulations Kanha! You're a father! You have a son! " She greeted and Krishn let himself be swayed in the emotions as he hugged his mother, father and brother, rushing back in to see his son, gently suckling the milk his mother offered, as he lay against her chest, at peace. He was home and so was Krishn.

" Arya, " She whispered and Krishn ran over to her, holding her hand to his mouth as he pressed a kiss to it, watching their son.

" He has your beautiful eyes, " He said, settling on the bed by her side without jostling them too much as he looked at his son, who looked back at him, eyes wide.

" And the glow of yours. He's our son. " She whispered back, as he began crying.

" Pradyumna. Our son Pradyumna. " He said proudly, as Ma Rukmini wiped her tears , her eyes shining with love for her son.

That was ten days ago.

Today however the light of his life had been doused by the tides of cries, his wife's heartwrenching cries which seemed not to have a stop, while he, he had assumed another emotion.

That of a husband, a father and a the preserver of the world's, as he knew his son was going towards his destiny.

He couldn't reassure his wife, even though he knew where their son was, all he could do was hold her in her pain and grief, reassure her in her sadness.

But his heart ached too. Knowing that a thorn is about to hurt you doesn't lessen the pain.

His own pain was eating him alive inside, the memories with his son his only solace as he tried to mask his pain for his family.

But such are the emotions of a man, he had sent his guards, himself readying to ride the chariot with his Dau right next to him.

" Shall we Kanha? " He asked and all Krishn could do was nod, his heart breaking at the sight of his wife, still crying softly in his mother's arms, yet she had a determined look on her face.

" My Arya will find him. He'll find my son. He's Shree Krishn. Nothing is impossible for him. " She had said when he told her about leaving, pulling him into a hug, her pain abating at the hope of holding her son again.

But he, the preserver of the universe, the one bound by niyati, by fate, had to watch her eyes lighten for the first time in many hours as she hoped for the best. No, hope would be the wrong word. She trusted him to do it. She knew he would.

They followed the trail his spies had brought, inevitably reaching a pond, where they found a cloth. His cloth, his son's cloth. Pradyumna's cloth.

" Kanha I — "

" Dau, we can't do anything now. " He said, eyes hard as he clenched the cloth between his hands.

" But Kahna —"

" Dau, order our army to return. I'll be back. " He said, walking along the edge of the pond.

He reached the monster's cave. Shambar's cave.

" Who goes there? " The monster asked, making his way out.

" I am Pradyumna's father. " He answered, his eyes glistening yet hard, cold, killing.

" You! Ranchod Krishn! I will kill you! " He shouted and charged at Krishn.

They fought, yet Krishn knew he couldn't kill him. He fought, grievously injuring him and moved away.

Neither had the strength for words and Krishn left, the blood on his hands unwashed as he rode back.

There, right at the gates, Rukmini stood, a plate in her hands with diyas, ready to welcome the king and his prince, but when she saw his hands, bloodied but no signs of her son, the plate clattered and he sank to the ground, fainting.

Krishn, fearing for her life ran over, hastily wiping the blood away as he picked her and took her to their rooms, watching as she lay, her eyes crossed, her lips parched and dry, while her golden face marred with tear streaks.

"I'm sorry my dear. I couldn't change his fate. " He murmured as he ran his hands through her hair, eyes bloodshot as the same mirrored his, watching as she blinked up at him.

A silent understanding passed between them, as they pulled each other into a silent embrace, their tears mingling in the loss of their son. Once more, after all, after some point, everyone's emotions are a house of cards, no matter how hard they glue them together.

The emotions of Krishn too were a house of cards.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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