Chapter 5: Entrance Exam

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Narrator POV

???? hours

Current Conditions: N/A

The months leading up to the UA Entrance Exam were a very hectic affair as both Izuku and Emily trained their asses off to make sure they were ready for whatever UA would throw at them. Emily in particular trained with the various piles and pieces of junk so she learned how to jump in between opponents, swiftly taking them out as she jumped between them at rapid speeds. She also built up as much muscle as she physically could, adding to her already impressive strength. To give context on how much she improved, before the rush to the UA Start Line, Emily was able to manhandle a fridge with some discomfort and 2 hands while not using her riggings, now she was able to manhandle the same fridge with no discomfort and only one hand without her riggings.

At the same time, Midoriya was busy cleaning the beach head and building himself up. Since he was a fragile 14 year old male with arms even more noodly than Andy's were somehow he had a lot of working out to do during the lead up to the Entrance Exam. Thankfully, the beach was littered with various very heavy pieces of old pieces of very heavy and very old machinery around the beach for Midoriya to move around and build his muscle with so Midoriya made the most out of them, moving more and more junk up and off the beach for hours every day after school.

UA High School

0500 hours

Current Conditions: Clear

It was the day of the Entrance Exam, Emily had arrived well before Midoriya who was back at the beach, cleaning up the last bits of trash on the beach and receive One-for-All, Emily shudders involuntarily at the thought.

Emily (Quirk; Lucky E): 'Poor bastard.' she thought, 'That must have tasted horrible...'

Emily walked through UA's front doors and began exploring the High School's halls in awe at the massive place. As she walked through the halls past various classrooms exploring the halls that she would soon call parts of her school a bright flash of light emanated from one of the rooms, the sound of a person groaning in pain and cussing in English is heard as a boy roughly 2 years older than Emily stumbled out of the classroom. He was blonde, 6 foot and 3 inches tall, very clearly American, with blue eyes, pale skin, a futuristic prosthetic left arm, a heavily damaged armor set, and a menacing aura as he turned to Emily confused out of his mind. Emily, immediately feeling a tad threatened by this unknown person, summoned CV-6's riggings. (currently unable to summon the riggings of any other ship at the moment)

Emily: "Freeze!" she yelled.

??? (Quirk; ????): "Enterprise?" he questioned, looking Emily up and down, " not her, but kid, whoever the hell you are, you don;t wanna mess with me."

The unknown person summons his own set of riggings which come to him in a massive cloud of black and red cubes, the cubes converge in a massive flash of light and when the flash is gone, the unknown is standing there with the biggest riggings Emily had ever seen, none of her relatives had ever shown such a massive set of riggings.

???: "Now, where the Kentucky Fried Fuck am I?" he asked, "I know you're Enterprise, but not her at the same time."

Emily: "What on Earth are you talking about?" she demanded.

???: "Like....your's..........I see...." he trailed off.

Emily didn't know what the hell she should think of this man, she had no idea why but this man was familiar to her, like an old memory from her time as Andy....but she just couldn't put a finger on it. Deciding to just answer his question, Emily opened her mouth, keeping her aim on the unknown boy.

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