Chapter 10

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"This is your last chance, are you sure you wish to do this?" Damien asked as they rode the carriage to the Highland dukedom."I'm positive" Marilyn told him. Damien let out a sigh. "We should be arriving in Highland anytime now" Damien told her. 

It wasn't much longer before they arrived in Highland. When the carriage stopped Damien got out and held out his hand for Marilyn to take. As she slowly stepped out of the carriage she couldn't help but notice the nobleman with blonde hair and red eyes standing in front of her.

"Welcome Lady Marilyn I have been eagerly waiting for your arrival" he said as he lightly took her hand and kissed it. "Please call me Marilyn, there is no need for any formality" she told him. "As you wish" he said looking at Damien who was glaring at him.

He took Marilyn's arm and began guiding her inside as Damien followed. "My name is Cedric Highland," he told her. "I have no doubt the Duke of Crescent didn't tell you who I was," he said to her.

Suddenly they stopped in front of his office. "I suggest you wait here," Cedric said, turning to Damien. Damien let out a low growl. "Damien" Marilyn said, causing Damien to look at her. She then shook her head no. "So be it" he said, taking a step back and leaning against the wall.

"Ladies first" cedric said, guiding her inside the room before closing the door behind them. "So... why do I have the pleasure of meeting with such a beautiful women sigh as yourself?" He asked her. "I believe you already know the reason" she replied. "Perhaps I do" he said. "I heard a rumor you could see the dead" he said as he walked around her. "I'm curious to know if the rumor about my lady is true," he said, stopping in front of her. "Have you always had so many souls" around you?" She asked him. "Many appear to be your past enemies or victims attempting to harm you while others are allies protecting you" she told him. "The only other person I've seen with this many souls surrounding him is his majesty the king" she told him. A smile appeared on his face for only a moment.

"That reminds me, how was the ball, I was unfortunately unable to attend" he told her. "You didn't miss much, only his majesty's attempt to kill me" she said. Cedric took a step closer to her. "What is it you really wish from me?" He asked his tone Suddenly deeper.

"I wish you you to join the witches and wolves" she told him. Cedric let out a sigh. "The witches are one thing their neutral creatures, but the wolves wish for our destruction as much as we wish for theirs" he told her. "Damien has agreed to a temporary truce if you do as well" she told him. "It shall only last until the 2 worlds are joined, then you may go back to you petty war" she told him.

"What is it that the mutt gets from this?" He asked her. "As far as I know nothing," she said. Cedric was silent for a moment. "I have two conditions" he said "the first is I want you to become the queen" he said. "Why?" she asked him. "Why not?" he replied. "Who better to have on the throne than the woman who will cut off the king's head" he told her. "And how is it you know that?" She asked him. "Because it is the only way to ensure your goal" he told her. "You know that as well as I" he said.

"What's the second condition?" She asked. A Smile came across his face once again as he walked behind her. He put his mouth near her ear and whispered. "I want your blood".

"You want my blood?" She questioned. "Yes," he whispered. "Once a month starting now" he added. "Don't worry I won't take much" he told her. "Only enough to satisfy the both of us" he said.

"Will it hurt?" She asked, turning to him. "Only for a moment," he said, moving her hair away from her neck. "But then your body will begin to overload with pleasure, so much so you won't want me to stop" he told her. "Why is that?" she asked. "It's so our... victims don't suffer, it's God's way of mercy" he told her. "But don't worry like I said I'll only take a little" he reassured her.

Marilyn was silent for a moment. "If I agree to your terms, will you help us?" She wished to confirm. "I will," he told her. "Alright" she said. "I agree," she added. "When would you like our once a month to start?" He asked her. "Now" she said. "As you wish" he said, walking behind her again and lightly pulling her hair back.

"Are you sure this is your last chance" he told her. "Once you do this you may begin to crave it yourself" he told her. "Do it" she said.

Suddenly what was once normal teeth became fangs, and within only a second he bit into her neck. She felt pain at first, pain so bad she wanted to push him away, but the pain quickly became pleasure. Her body became hot, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the more blood he slowly took the more she felt as if she never wanted it to end. He was right, it was addicting. The feelings she had right now were something she never felt.

Suddenly the pleasure stopped as Cedric took his fangs out of her neck and licked the blood off his teeth. "See that wasn't so bad" he whispered in her ear. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Damien yelled as he burst into the office.

It took Damien only a second to see the bite on Marilyn's neck. "YOU BASTARD" he yelled charging toward cedric. "Stop," Marilyn said, stepping in front of him. "We made a deal and this is part of my end of it" she told him. "What!" Damien said, shocked. "Let me explain" she said.


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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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