Chapter 2

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[can we talk about how Justice Joslin is an adorable piece of shit? thanks]

"There are people who have money and there are people who are rich." - Unknown

 "Stop looking at me like that Amaka." Ivan almost growled.

"Sorry sir, but is that a blush I see? On Ivan Guskov? The bachelor for life billionaire?" She replied smugly. They quickly walked out of the office - well, Amaka was walking, Ivan seemed to be running. Once they entered the stretch Ivan let out a big breath and slumped into the leather. He wanted to be absorbed into the softness and be taken away from all of his problems.

"Someone seems exhausted. So tell me! What happened in there?"

"Amaka, I'd like to this some part of our relationship is professional."

"Okay..." She said, a little disappointed, "but did you finalize the deal?"

Ivan hung his head down. "Shit," he whispered to himself, but loud enough for Amaka to hear.

"Really Ivan?! What did you do in there? Oh wait... I know. Do I have to remind you what is at stake. Your company is on the rocks. Investors are pulling out their stocks as we speak."

"Amaka." He yelled sternly. "I know. And might I remind you that I am still your boss." He looked into her eyes and saw her worry and her fear, her job was on the line and this deal was the only way to save everything. Softening his expression, Ivan voiced, "I let my emotions into this and I'm sorry. Schedule another appointment with Mr. Nguyen tomorrow."

"It took me weeks to schedule the last one, how am I supposed to create one on such short notice?"

"Something tells me that Mr. Nguyen won't mind an interruption to his day. Just call in and say that Ivan asked for another meeting."

"Yes Mr. Guskov." Amaka hardly called him Mr. Guskov but they both wordlessly agreed that an air of professionality would really help the stressful situation so they didn't bother to question it.

Ivan walked out of the stretch and into the towering African Blackwood doors of his mansion. He bought the estate the year when Famfung, his company, hit its peak creating a strong flow of cash in his direction. He stalked into his living room passing under the towering chandelier that his sister, Anfisa, insisted would give the room "character." In actuality, it just provided her with something she could show off to her friends. After their father died she came to live with him because she just couldn't bear living with the constant reminder of what she lost.

He poured himself a scotch on the rocks and put on of his favorite records and slumped into his Fabio leather couch and drank his memories of today away. How could he let himself get so distracted? He had sworn off dating as soon as he became CEO, he had responsibilities to his company first. He did have time for falling in love.

He then decided, no men, no love, and no distractions. He needed to save his company if it killed him. He had worked so hard and he was not going to stop now. He reached for his laptop and started organizing the names and phone numbers of possible investors and scheduled meetings until the sun came up again.


After his run, Ivan shower, dressed, and ate; then promptly arrived at work. He became buried in a pile of paperwork and reacquainted himself with the loveliness of bitter, scorching hot coffee and he worked. And he worked. And he worked.

After the fourth hour he started to feel a vicious, heavy, pulling sensation all throughout his body. His thoughts fled from his company to lingering notions he didn't allow himself to ponder upon. I don't own a red tie. I should buy a red tie. His fingers ached from signing documents and his eyelids struggled to keep open. Did Anfisa feed the cat? Wait... I don't have a cat. I should adopt a cat and name him Kevin. He felt himself fighting to stay awake as his head started to weigh him down like an anchor. Slowly his head started to descend and his arms curled around to cushion the blow until - thud. His last thought before he fluttered into sleep was, I wonder what Quan is doing right now...

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