♧Over the phone♧ (Kiribaku Smut)

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Kirishimas POV:

Bakugo and I have been dating for nine months now and I'm happy to say it's been an amazing experience. However, we both have high sex drives...Which means we like alot of sex. It all started out due to pent up stress...But after our first time together, it's like our bodies crave each other. We're almost inseparable in a way. We've learned to communicate with our bodies alone...I enjoy the soft moments too, such as kissing, cuddling, and even holding hands. Just being close to Bakugo makes me happy...But, this isn't about that. This is about our rather high sex drives, our cravings for one another...

Why is our sex drive so important? Well, because earlier today I got a call from Bakugos agency. I was informed that Bakugo would be moving to California for a couple of weeks due to a meeting with another agency. I wasn't told much, but...There was nothing I could do to stop Bakugo from going...He had no choice but to go, Agencies orders and all...So, that means no sex for a couple of weeks...

Which is horrible for the both of us.

Bakugo hadn't come home, he was immediately sent to the airport and when I heard about it I immediately called him, not surprised when he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey Katsuki..." I start off, watching as Bakugo turns on his camera, revealing himself inside the airport, sitting on what looks like to be a chair.

"Look Eijiro...I know you heard about my fucking agency shit. I won't be home till a couple of weeks. Think you could handle being by yourself for a week or two?"

"Ofcourse not Kats...I'm already missing you. Do you have to do this?"

"Fucking obviously. Agencies orders"

Bakugo barks back...I sigh and silence fills the air before I finally ask-

"Promise you'll call me every night?"

"Course I fucking will...Look- I gotta go Eiji, my planes here. I'll call you when I make it to Cali"

Bakugo hangs up after that. I immediately groan loudly and instantly miss the sound of his voice.

Great...Now what?

I spend hours and hours doing things to hopefully distract myself from Bakugo, cleaning the house a thousand times, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, doing the dishes, washing the laundry, folding the laundry, making the beds, cleaning the bathrooms, cleaning the windows, dusting the furniture, rearranging things around the house...And still, nothing helps me stop thinking about Bakugo. So instead I begin to drive around the block, grabbing fast food, going through a car wash, and even heading the the gym to work out for hours and hours and hours until I'm finally home again. I arrive back at 2:30 in the morning....And still, thinking about Bakugo. The blonde hasn't called me back yet so I check my phone, soon looking at his location...He's five hours away from Cali...I can wait five hours right? Ofcourse I can...

I end up falling asleep trying to stay awake.

Suddenly, my phone gets a snapchat notification. My eyes slowly blink open in the pitch black dark room. My eyes stay squinted as I pick up my phone to look at the time. 7:38 in the fucking morning. My eyes immediately widen when I notice.

"Kats🧡 sent you a snap"

I immediately unlock my phone and open snapchat. I click on our messages and there it is...A red notification, Indicating a snap from my boyfriend. I open it and I'm suddenly wide awake. I slowly sit up in bed as the gears turn in my head, subconsciously turning my lamp on next to me as I do so...The snap in question was a picture of Bakugo.

He's laying down on a bed, laying on his back as he holds his phone below the obvious tent in his boxers...He's shirtless, looking down at the camera with a shit eating grin, sweat glistening on his forehead and his muscles....and even his abs. The lights in his room are dim, the only light being the lamp next to his bed.

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