Marvelous Macau

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Chay woke up with a groan as sunlight spread across the room, feeling the ache in his lower back from last night's activities. He remembered it. All of it. His Cheeks heated up while forming a red hue all over the body. Macaus Gift!

"Shit! that Had some kind of Aphrodisiac Scenet on that Ears and Shirt"

He hissed as he tried to stretch, then glanced over to see Kim Peacefully lying on the other side of the bed, his back facing the ceiling.

Irritation surged through Chay, Once again the less-than-gentle treatment Flashed in his mind.

In a fit of annoyance, Chay pushed Kim off the bed, who yelped in surprise and rubbed his butt as he hit the floor. "Baby Not a nice way to say good morning!" Kim exclaimed, looking up at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"Good Morning? Kimhan You Animal!" Chay shows him his middle finger with a pout.

"Angel but Why did you kick me!" Kim asks innocently trying not to provoke the demon in the morning.

"For not being gentle last night," Chay grumbled, his tone laced with irritation.

Kim's mischievous smile widened as he quipped, "Oh, come on, you liked it. I know kitten. Want your tiger to make you feel good early for the rest of the day hmm?"

Chay just groaned in response, rubbing his temples not dignifying that with a reply. Instead, he shifted his focus.

"Phi Kim Make breakfast today. You have an important match, remember? You need to be at the university early."

Kim rolled his eyes playfully but nodded, knowing Chay was right. "Fine, fine. I'll make breakfast, whatever my prince commands" he relented, pushing himself up from the floor with a slight wince while Giving Porchay a Flying kiss. While Chay Lays down Once again.
Kim prepared, so he walked to their room, he noticed Chay struggling to get out of bed and make his way to the bathroom.

"Angel let me help you" Concern flickered across Kim's face, and he quickly went over to help him, putting breakfast Plates aside. As he supported Chay's weight, Kim guided him to the bathroom, noticing the discomfort in his movements.

He last had already cleaned Chay and removed the sheets. But both of them slept naked as Kim wanted to feel the warmth while cuddling to him.

Once inside, Kim's gaze inadvertently lingered on Chay's naked form, and before he could stop himself, he reached out to the lower part of Chay's back, gently massaging the sore muscles.


Chay let out a small gasp at the unexpected touch, but the relief that followed was undeniable.

"Just helping You, Angel"

Feeling a rush of warmth between them, Kim's hand lingered a moment longer than necessary, their eyes locking in a silent exchange.

Despite the initial surprise, Chay couldn't deny the comfort in Kim's touch, and a soft smile tugged at his lips as he leaned into the contact.

After a moment, they both pulled away, a hint of shyness settling between them.
As evening fell, Chay watched from the sidelines as Kim practiced football, his muscles still sore from the morning's exertions. Because of that, he wanted to rest.

Suddenly, Macau approached, a smug grin on his face. "How did you like the gift, Chay?" he asked, his tone dripping with mischief.

"You must treated Good By your Owner in that Cat costume!" He laughs at his own humor.

Without warning, Chay's temper flared, and His fists clenched. "You Moron!"

"It's Marvelous Macau, not Moron My frie—aaaghhhh"

he lunged toward. Macau groaned, as his body was barraged with punches and slaps from everywhere. Though it didn't hurt him that much but still.

He yelped in pain, his cries for help drawing Kim's attention. "Kim! Your boyfriend's trying to kill me! Help!" he shouted, his voice tinged with panic.

Kim hurried over, a concerned frown on his face. "Chay, what's going on?" he asked, trying to calm the situation.

Ignoring Kim's attempts at peacekeeping, Chay pointed an accusing finger at Macau. "Because of you, I'm limping!" he accused, his frustration evident.

Macau, feeling a sense of pride that his gift had worked as intended, extended his hand toward Kim, expecting congratulations. "See, it worked, right? Now You should love me Cousin!" he said, a cocky grin on his face, But Chay wasn't having any of it.

Kim smiles at him. And was about to open his mouth to say thank you. Chay —

With a swift motion, he grabbed both Macau and Kim by their ears, pulling them close with a stern glare. "Both of you, stop it!" he scolded, his voice firm.

"Next time, I will kill you both! Got it?" Kim winced at the ear-pulling but nodded in agreement, while Macau begrudgingly conceded, realizing he had pushed his luck too far this time.

Porchay Kittisawasd was Dangerous.


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