Season 1 Episode 3: Inkwell Tour

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In this episode, Celia is sleeping in the guest room, and she will wake up after Cuphead, Mugman and Alice will be home.


One bright and sunny day, in the forest of Inkwell, Cuphead, Mugman, and Alice are inside having breakfast, even, Celia is sleeping in the guest room. The three are able to finish the breakfast and Alice helps Elder Kettle clean the dishes and put them away as Cuphead and Mugman have come down with their backpack. 

"Hey Alice, are you ready to go?" Mugman asks.

"Yeah. I just finished helping Elder Kettle with the dishes," Alice says, and puts them away.

"Where's Celia?" Cuphead wonders.

"Oh, she is sleeping in our guest room." Alice answers.

Elder Kettle dries the last of the plate and asks, "What are you three doing today?"

"Mugman and I are going to take Alice to town and show her around, and get her a few things. Since she's going to live with us for a while," Cuphead says.

"And Celia is sleeping in the guest room." Mugman adds.

"Sounds nice. Remember, Alice and Celia are new so I want you both to keep an eye on Alice," Elder Kettle says.

Then turns to Alice, "And stay close to the boys, Alice."

"Yes Elder Kettle," Alice happily says.

After finishing the dishes, head upstairs and gather her belongings, and meet up with the boys to leave.

"Bye Elder Kettle!" Cuphead says.

"We'll see you later," Mugman says.

"Bye," Alice happily says.

With that, the three of them leave the house and walk through the forest, until they reach the town of Inkwell.

"So guys, I know you want to show me around town, but you've been acting a little weird on how you insisted on coming here as the stores open," Alice says.

Mugman turns to Cuphead, "Since we're here now, we might as well tell her."

"Yep. It sure is," Cuphead says.

Then turns to Alice, "We've decided to show you around town, and for you to do whatever you want here. Since your birthday ended with a hitch, we decided to give you late birthday fun, even though we just met."

"Aw, that's sweet you guys," Alice says.

"Glad you like it," Mugman says.

"We're going to show you everything on the Isle. Well, the town for starters," Cuphead says.

"Then let's go," Alice says with a smile.

The first place that they decide to go to is a clothing store. Mainly because Red Rose could use some clothes and other essentials for her stay.

"Wow. There are a lot of clothes here," Alice says.

"Yeah. We get our clothes from here," Cuphead says.

"I'm sure there are some outfits that you might like," Mugman says.

Just then, two employees of the store walk over to them.

The first employee is a white rabbit with a white nose, long white ears, a white fluffy tail. She is wearing an ivory color blouse with a pink skirt, and wears a yellow flower hair clip. The second employee is a white mouse with large round ears, pink eyes and a long tail. She wears a light pink blouse and a bright yellow skirt with white polka dots.

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