Season 1 Episode 5: Ribby and Croaks

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One afternoon in the dining room and kitchen of the cottage, there's tension in the atmosphere, specifically from Cuphead and Mugman. The fridge is open and there are empty cartons of ice cream either fallen in the fridge or on the floor. Sitting at the table, Elder Kettle is reading the newspaper as Celia sighs as she and Alice are watching Cuphead and Mugman sitting down with their backs toward one another, and are upset at each other.

Cuphead questions, "Let me get this straight. You expect me to believe that you 'sleep-ate' an entire container of ice cream without waking up?

"You expect me to believe you did," Mugman says, slowly turns his head to Cuphead and turns away.

Cuphead appears close to Mugman with a spoon and interrogates, "And just who sleep-eats with a spoon?"

"People with manners," Mugman says, shoving Cuphead anway.

"You're nothing but a common thief!" Cuphead angrily says and shoves Mugman off the chair.

Then Mugman shoves Cuphead, "You're the thief!

Cuphead shioves Mugman again, "No, you are!"

Mugman shoves Cuphead, "No, you!"

"No, you!" Cuphead calls out.

Then Mugman, "No, you!"

Then Cuphead, "No, you!"

Celia is starting to get annoyed as Alice looks worried with the two's fighting, and they've been like this for a while, more like all day. The fighting is even getting on Elder Kettle's nerves.

He grabs the boys by their handles and pulls them apart, "Enough!"

Then places the boys down and calmly says, "You boys are family. No use getting bent out of shape about little stuff. Just let it be water under the bridge."

Elder Kettle then pulls out some money, "Now, here's five bucks."

Then gives Cuphead pocket lint, "And some pocket lint. "

Then says, "Go do something fun together. You two are brothers."

Then he brings out another ten dollars for and gives it to Celia, "And here's a ten dollar for you two."

"Oh, thank you," Alice and Celia said to Elder Kettle.

"Um, Celia... do you mind if I can put ten dollars in my bag?" Alice asked Celia.

"Sure." Celia nodded as she gives Alice ten dollars. Then, Alice puts it in her bag.

Suddenly, Cuphead asks in anger, "Why does he always get the five bucks?!

"And why does he always get the pocket lint?" Mugman asks, annoyed.

Then Cuphead shoves Mugman, "No, you do!"

Mugan shoves Cuphead, "No, you!"

Then Cuphead shoves Mugman, "No, you!"

Mugman shoves Cuphead, "No, you!"

Cuphead shoves Mugman, "No, you!"

Just then, Celia walks over, grabs the two by the handles and drags them out as Alice follows them, "Come on guys, let's go do something and try to have some fun. It's better than listening to you two fight all day."

Sometime later, the quartet are walking down the path and try to decide what to do, but Cuphad and Mugman are bickering with each other again.

Cuphead suggests, "I say we just take the money and buy some more ice cream."

But Mugman sighs and says, "Look, if we invest it, we could have as much ice cream as we want when we're older."

"But I want ice cream now!" Cuphead whines.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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