1. Returned

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3rd person pov ~

Dabi is currently having an interview with a news channel in the Philippines..

Reporter : Hello every one good afternoon and welcome to xyz news channel.. I'm Rachel and today we have our No.1 Pro Hero Dabi for an interview with us... Welcome Dabi for joining us today..we will be asking you some questions if you feel that they are personal please do let us know...

Dabi : Thank you for having me here and thanks for conducting this interview on a short notice given by me.. I'll try my best to answer all the questions..

Reporter : so our first question is why did you ask for a sudden interview..

Dabi : well I will tell you why but can this be changed into the last question..

Reporter : sure..the next question is what was your inspiration to become a hero..

Dabi : well when I was little I used to live in Japan..I was a big fan of Japan's No.2 Pro Hero Endeavour but as I grew up I became a big fan of the underground pro hero Erasure head when I met him in person he helped me with my Quirk and because of him and my family's support I became the No.1 Pro Hero..

Reporter : wow you grew up in Japan and met erasurehead.....
Dabi : The reason I suddenly asked for a interview was that you all might know that there was a big war that happened in Japan between the hero's and the villains many were injured or lost a few people from my family were injured and now that the Japan airlines have started I am going to stay with them in Japan and I am resigning from my position as the No.1 Pro hero and will join Japan's pro heros..

Reporter : What you are leaving..

Dabi : yes unfortunately I am..I have a job in Japan as well so I'll be leaving in a few days..It was quite fun to fight villains and helping you all.. thanks to all of you for your support...


Time skip ( arrived in Japan )

Dabi's plane just landed in Japan and as soon as the plane door was open he was met with reporters and Pro Heros of Japan there to welcome him.. When he got down from the plane he was face to face with the person he hates the most his abusive father Endeavour..

Endeavour : It is a great honour to have one of the most powerful man the No.1 hero from the Philippines to visit Japan.. The Pro Heros and all the citizens welcome you and hope that you enjoy your stay in Japan...

Dabi just ignores him and starts to walk away from him.. A few steps away were Pro Hero Erasurehead and Pro Hero Present Mic he runs towards them and hugs both of them with tears in his eyes.. Every one was shocked at the scene in front of them..

Dabi : I missed you two so much.. [ he broke the hug and bombarded them with questions ] Are you both okay ? Actually is everyone okay ? I heard the war was brutal and many people lost their life.. wait ARE KEI AND HATO OKAY??

Both the pro's laughed at his uneasiness and nodded signing that everyone is okay and survived..He was glad everyone survived and now he has returned to his family..

The trio left the airport and reached UA for the welcome ceremony of the new teacher at UA. They were informed that the new teacher was going to teach them Hero's History and quirk History..

Words : 604
Sorry this chapter was short..Hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for more.

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