2. Family

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3rd person pov ~

The trio reached UA and were now in the training grounds waiting for the principal to make an announcement and then the introduction of the new teacher. When Nezu made a very unique speech  “ good morning students and teachers today we have gathered to welcome a very problematic and grumpy unwanted child who torchered me for 1 1/2 years and now has come back to trouble me again.. Welcome UA's new history teacher, Philippines No.1 pro hero Dabi.”

Dabi yells “ seriously uncle Nezu seriously is that how you welcome your favourite nephew.. I came back after a year and you say shit about me..”
Every one was shocked at who was their new history teacher , he called Nezu uncle ,a few students were practically simping for him..

Just then a 2 kids from UA and a little girl ran up to him and hugged him very tight causing him to fall down..

Dabi : hey guys! did y'all miss me?

The three of them nod with tears in their eyes..two Pro Heros joined their hug..after a few minutes all 5 of them break the hug looking around they saw many staring at them..Dabi started giving a very not boring speech “  Good Morning everyone, nice to meet you all..As you all know I'm Dabi known as the cold heat🔻 hero..I will be teaching you the history of all the pro heros and quirks.. I'm an easygoing person but can be strict like the caterpillar there..I hope you all are nice and that I don't have to be like the caterpillar ( Aizawa )”

Aizawa got mad and wrapped dabi with his capture weapon like in the anime..“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME” Dabi chuckled and teased him “ I called you a caterpillar~ old man~ ” Aizawa got so mad that he was gonna smash dabi into a wall using his capture weapon but had to stop when he heard a small voice yell “Dad” the whole UA looked behind to spot a five years old boy with white hair, golden eyes and white wings..The little boy ran/flew towards the guy wrapped in Aizawa's scarf ..

Dabi saw a little five years old boy running/flying towards him and then the little boy jumped into dabi's arms..Dabi hugged him back and then he heard sobs from the little boy who called him “Dad”every one in their surroundings were shocked did a kid who just randomly showed up call the hero “dad”

Kid : Dad I missed you so much..

Dabi : Me too Dove , I missed you too..

The whole UA looked confused, the pro hero who was thought to be single was actually a father..  The kid looks at Dabi who was wrapped in Aizawa's scarf and then looked at Aizawa and said “ zawa why is dad wrapped in your scarf ? ” Aizawa sighed and removed his scarf while replying “ your dad called me a caterpillar and old man ” the little kid giggled and said “ dada is right, you look like a caterpillar when you sleep in your sleeping bag zawa ” Aizawa huffed and sighed when he heard that from a 5 years old boy..

Dabi :< laughs >looks like I'm not the only one who thinks that you are a caterpillar oldman ..

Aizawa : Mic why did we adopt that brat again..I shouldn't have adopted him, he doesn't give me respect at all...

Dabi : You Adopted me because you didn't want an injured 19 years old boy to live on the street..and also because you are a great hero and a great person who cares for others more than yourself..

Mic : True fact kid , that's the exact reason why we adopted you..

Kid : dad are you going to stay in Japan with us ?? Please don't leave again..

Dabi : and why would I leave Hato..I am planning to stay here with you and my Family forever..< kisses Hato on the cheek >

🔻Cold heat hero = dabi is cold when he is in public.. dabi's quirk involves heat so people called him the cold heat hero... Also taken by the song Cross My Heart by FabvL..


Words : 694
Hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for more.. sorry for the delay..I will try and post as much as I can.. also sorry for the short chapter..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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