Girl Among Wolves

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Everything has a place in the world....and everything cast away from that world has a place too. 

Their place is in a dimention much different than earth. Much more dangerous, and much more confusing. The sky changes colors, clouds make perfectly distinguished shapes, animals can talk, creatures, previously thought nothing more than a fairytail are brought to life. Unicorns, vampires, werewolves, and faeries among them. 

In this world murders and deaths accumilated every night. They were expected. Starvation and disease ran rampant. And with the gateway to earth permanantly closed off to us we had no conection to the...real world I supose you could call it. Many live in poverty. Children left to die...abandoned in the woods simply because theyre parents had no way to care for them. 

This is what happened to me...except I didnt die. 

Under most cases the child or infant would die. Either from the cold, the beasts, or simply starvation. 

But unlike them I was found by a pack of wolves, who decided to take me in. 

Typical right? A young child raised by wolves... 

But imagine my four year old suprise when the pack of 'wolves' turned into men. 

"Lunara!!!!" I groaned. Wanting deparately to sleep longer, alas my wish was not to be granted. My warm fur blanket was torn off of me in a rude awakening. Snapping my eyes open I growled at the person leaning over me.  

"Ky" I ground out. "Why in the fuck are you waking me up?" If I remembered corectly, I had already had my 5 days of chores and schooling, it was my time to sleep in. 

"Shhhhh" he hissed pinching my lips together as he kneeled down beside me. "Quiet" I narrowed my eyes at him dangerously, but he only smirked at me. Maliky may be my best friend but he was always waking me up at all hours with some new scheme.Dont get me wrong, I loved going on these little adventures with him, but currently I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. "I gotta tell you something"  

"What?" I snapped in an angry whisper as I slapped his hand away. 

"I heard my dad talking to yours, apparently they found a stray wolf on patrol today, they have him locked up down below" Now this got my attention. My 'father', or I supose the man forced to take me because of his wife (my mother who claims she loved me from the moment she saw me), was actually the Pack leader...also know as the alpha. Ky's father was my dads best warrier and also his beta. 

"Seriously?" I sat up quickly. Studying his face for any signs of lying, there wasnt any. "Then what are you waiting for? Lets go!" I jumped off my low matress and sprinted to the shelving carved into my wall. I grabbed a pair of short, tight black shorts, made of a stretchy (yet very durable material), and a black dress that fell to my knees but had slits going up both side to my waist. The top part of the dress was formfiting and had a scooped neckline, showing off the silver ring that I wore, the sleeves were tight down to my wrists, covering the tribal tatoos that laced up my right arm. I pulled on my black leather boots on my way to the door. "Are you coming?" I turned and raised and eyebrow to Ky who was still standing by my bed.  

"When did you learn to get dressed that fast?" He asked in bafflement. 

"I learned to when I noticed how you would peak when I would dress for our...exscoursions" He had the decency to let a faint blush paint his cheeks. "Whatever" I stuck my tongue out at him. "Lets just get going, I want to sneak a peak at this wolf before sunrise." I parted the thick tarp that suficed as my door, and stepped outside onto the main deck.  

Our villages was high in the great oaks of the Infinity forest (named simply for the fact that it seemed to go on forever.) Smack dab in the middle of the great woodland was a large bowl filled with closely packed trees that could be up to 60 feet around, perfect for carving rooms into, and since all the trees were so close they simply instaled some somewhat sturdy rope bridges to conect them. Deep underground, in the center of all the trees was a cavern surounded by the huge roots. This is where we stored food over winter, held meetings, and locked up prisoners. 

Under most cases it was forbiden for anyone to enter unless you were and elder or were given permision to do so by the Alpha. But me and Ky dont like to listen to the rules, never have and never will.  

"Now who's being slow?" Ky's low voice tore me from my thoughts. He stood a ways away from me, the wind blowing his pale blonde hair into his eyes as he watched me. 

"Shut up" I mumbled, jogging to catch up with him. "How do you supose we're gonna get down there without being seen?" 

"The same way we always do?" His answer was a question in itself. 

"We've never gone down below though, I'm sure that my dad has more guards down there than they do up here" I explained patiently as we walked down the pathway. We were allowed to walk outside our rooms of course, there wasnt a curfew for that. However if you wished to go over the fence you had to be back in by sunset, thats when most of the predators would come out. Me and Ky had discovered this the hard way multiple times, but that never stopped us. However my dad found out we had been sneaking out after me and Ky had a particular nasty run in with a pack of Acidshifts (small, knee high bird like creatures that spit a strong, slimey, and smelly acid) so he upped the guards. What he hadnt found out was that me and Ky had discovered a that at exactly 11:11 at night an area of the fence was left unguarded for 19 minutes while the guard asigned there had his nightime snack. Getting back in was a tad more difficult...but we always figured something out. 

Unfortuanetly that place we wanted to go to tonight was uncharted territory. We had never been down there before. We knew where the doorway was of course, when me and Ky were about 12 we had followed my dad to one of his meeting. We had been so proud to have reached the door but then my father discovered us and sent us back home, after making us swear not to say anything to anyone of course. 

"Why would there be more guards down there then up here?" Ky asked in a low whisper, leaning close to me as we paused on a particular bridge that stood higher than the rest. 

"They're hiding something" I stated mater of factly. 

"Why would you say that?" Ky asked dumbly, and I raised an eye brow at him, my expression very clearly stating 'Are you really that stupid?'  

"If they werent hiding something then why would they want to keep it so secret? Why isnt anyone else allowed down there?" 

"Good point..." He muttered, his cheaks reddining as he realized how stupid the question had been. "Then lets go find out what it is" 

"You can do that if you want, but I want to find this rogue" The smile that lit up my face was absolutly demonic.

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