A blast of the Past

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We got through the main door easy enough, but we now had to decend a good 200 hundred stone steps, all of them slick with the dampness of earth. There were no railings, just dirt walls that got higher and higher as we went lower.  

Even with the lanterns placed on the walls every 4 feet the darkness was still overwelming. Even in the wild it wasnt this dark...well depending on what area of the forest you were in. In the main part there were tall fire elms, lightning owls, glowing ponds, and the large moon to light our way. Here there were only scattered lanterns giving off a faint flickering of light, but it wasnt nearly enough for me.The wolves did not need much light at all to see, and I could that Ky was doing fine, but I was 100 percent human and I was deffinetly not. 

"A little clumsy?" Ky chuckled after he had caught my arm for the fifth time, stopping me from tumbling down the stairs. 

"Shut up" I scowled shrugging him off. "You know that I'm not...I'm just not used to steep steps in the dark." I snorted but didnt comment. We continued in silence until I noticed something that made my heart clench. "Oh shit..." We were stopped at the last lantern that lit up just enough to show two possible pathways, but everything after that was black. "Ky...can you still see down there?" 

"Yup" I turned to see him smiling at me. "You still wanna keep going?" 

"Um..." I really did...but we couldnt bring a light because it would give us away to anything or anyone down here, and the only other option would be to have Ky carry me and he knew that. But I hated being carried, it made me feel week and helpless, which he also knew. 

"Why dont we just go back?" He offered, his mouth rounding into a loud yawn. "I havent slept yet, and I'm sure if you get up early enough we will be able to find out whats going to happen to the rogue." His yawn was infectious and I found myself joining him. 

"Fine" I sighed. "But lets hurry, if we're not out of here by sunrise we are sure to be caught"

It was actually close to dawn by time I reached my room. Waving goodbye to Ky I slipped inside and stummbled to my bed. Colapsing onto it I sank into its softness, relishing in the warmth. Taking the top dress off I tossed it to some corner of my room, and sluggishly slipped my boots off. I was left only with my bra, shorts, and socks. Normally I would have put a shirt on and removed the bra. But my shelving was across the room and I was far to tired to walk all the was over there. So instead I pulled my warm quilt over me, and was asleep almost instantly. 

I was running in the forest, and younger version of Ky running after me. "Wait up Lunara!!!" He yelled after me, the words broken up by his continuous laughing. "Im suposed to be home for my birthday dinner rememeber?" This made me stop. My mind arguing with itself. I knew that I should go home, a childs 6th birthday was very important. My papa had explained that the child shifted on this day, and that the timing was always different, and because of this, he said that I should stay away from Ky on this day, saying that the first shift was hard, and when the wolf came out he ussually didnt remember anything. 'Its way too dangerous to be around him today, I dont want you getting hurt' Was his exact wording. I hadnt responded, I was angry that I wouldnt get to play with Ky. Ky was my best friend, he would never hurt me. 

"Lets just run for a little bit" I offered turning to face Ky. But what I saw made my stomach drop. Ky was laying motionless on the ground, his eyes staring at the sky above. "Ky...?" My voice came out as a whimper. "Ky are you okay?" no response. I stepped closer to him.  

And then it started. Ky opened his mouth and let out an agonizing scream, tears pouring out of his blue eyes. His small body bent in an irregular angle and I heard bones snapping. The scene was all too horrible and I screamed over and over again. Sobs choking my throte as I backed away. His skin bubbled, looking horribly difigured while strands of hair popped out. I was so scared. I covered my eyes, only to uncover them a moment later when Ky's screaming turned into a howl.  

In Ky's place was a large wolf the color of dark chocolate. He lay on the ground whimpering. Big eyes gazing up at me, Ky's eyes. Stepping forward I closed the distanse between us, wanting nothing more than to comfort my friend who was obviously still in pain. 

What happened next went to fast for me to remember. The Ky wolf jumped up in a blinding speed, swiping out at me. The sharp claws dug deep, from my shoulder to my hip, going diagnally. I was to shocked to scream. My mind told me to get away but the pain stabbing through my abondomin was escrusiating and I found myself falling forward. I whimpered, to shocked to move or even to cry.  

Something tore the Ky wolf off me before it could attack again. Through my slowely closing lids I saw the men from our pack surounding Ky, many already in their wolf forms. But the scene was cut off as I was picked up. Too weak to do anything I simply let my head fall back, gazing at the passing trees as the man walked with me in his arms. The last thing I remembered seeing before I completely lost consiousness was a pair of glowing eyes, staring at me from the receding tree line.

I jolted awake. my breath coming in short bursts as I stared above me at my wooden ceiling. I remembered that day so clearly. Ky had felt so bad afterwords, bringing my flowers, toys, and small treats as i was healing from my wounds. The scars were still there. Lighter on my shoulder and chest, but very clear on my stomach. Luckily they were able to almost completly heal my leg so that the scars were barily noticeble. 

What the dream had reminded me though, was the one thing I had almost completely forgot. The red eyes. I had brought them up multiple times, but my father and mother kept telling me that I had simply been delutional from bloodloss. And after a while I had begun to believe them, the red eyes slipping from my mind. 

But now I remembered, and I was almost positive...those eye HAD been there. I did not imagine them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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