One part

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Tim was up helping Dick clean his closet when he found a suit under some clothes. "Dick, what the fuck is this thing?"

Dick looked over his shoulder to see what he was talking about. "Ah, my old Discowing suit! I missed those days. Y'know, back when people had real style."

"Richard, that is not style. And trust me, I know what style looks like."

"Is that why you wore the Red Robin suit?" Dick snickered and Tim rolled his eyes in response.

Tim looked back at the suit and started thinking of what it would look like on him. "Eww your discusting chest hair was probably showing too!" Tim, at the thought, got a chill. "Yeesh."

"Im telling you it was the look back then! Hell, it's the look now too!" Dick was pouting now.

Tim gave Dick a side eye. "Okay buddy, what ever you say."

Dick put his hand on his chin and Tim couldn't help but crack a smile at how stupid he looked. He kept scratching his chin until he finally got an idea.

"I'll wear the Discowing suit out to patrol tonight and you wear original Red Robin suit, and we'll find some non-bias supervillian to tell us which one looks worse! That'll decide it!"

"Sigh, fine Dick, but dont come crying to me when you get made fun of" Poor guy doesn't even know whats coming for him. The original Red Robin suit wasn't half as bad as whatever monstrosity Dicks old suit was.


Tim and Dick were getting suited up at one of Tim's hideouts. It was in one of the apartment complexes in gotham. More on the bad side of town(if all sides weren't bad). More people turn blind eyes in sketchy places.
As they were just finishing suiting up in their goofy suits, they heard someone try to pick the lock of the door.
Dick grabbed his escrima sticks and Red grabbed his staff. They waited silently. When the door handle moved they were on guard to attack. The door craked open.

"Dick. Are you actually fucking with me right now?" It was Hood that picked the lock. He even tilted his head which was very rare for him. "PLEASE tell me you're not going out in that shit. And also, Tim why are you wearing the old Red Robin suit. Buddy we've already addressed that neither of us looked good in that shit." Tim was rolling his eyes under his , although Hood did have a point.

"Dick swore to me that the discowing suit looked sooo good, so hes wearing it and im wearting the og red robin suit out to patrol to find a non-bias supervillian to settle it." Tim was trying not to laugh while he was talking.

"Pfft wonder how thats gonna turn out, red." Jason was trying so hard not to burst out into laughter just looking at the Discowing suit.

Dick could tell Hood was looking him up and down. "What's so funny, hmm?"

Jason was trying desperately to hold in his laughter now. "Oh, it's nothing Dick- or should I say Discowing? Anyways I was about to infiltrate your nest for some crackers. Y'know, the saltines? You got any Red?"

Tim pointed behind him. "In the snack cupboard, but don't eat them all. Bart loves them."

"Knew I could always count on you, Timmy!"

"You're smiling under that mask, arent you Hood." It was said more as a statement than a question.

"Whateverrr, just go patrol losers." Tim could tell Jason was definitely rolling his eyes under his mask, with how he put his hand on his hip.

"'Oh just go patrol losers' You better be grateful that I'm even letting you in my base after you broke into it to steak MY snacks."

"Okay lets go now Tim we have to settle this once and for all. Now what supervillian would be the least bias... hmmm"


Tim and dick left the apartment through the window. There were no security cameras in the cheap ass apartment complex becuase no one wants to live by a bunch of meth addicts, so that's a plus.

"I dont, but you have to be extra stealthy. Youre gonna be spotted to easily with those bright ass colours." Dick just rolled his eyes at Tim under his mask. It must run in the bat family to do that.

"I was running around in those bright ass robin colours for years, I got this."

"mhm.. Whatever you say golden boy... Don't be s- AUUh! Spoiler?"

"In the flesh!!" Steph had came out from one of the roofs and stood proud in front of them. "What the fuck are you guys wearing? How many lines of coke have you done tonight?"

"Um, none," Tim was so done with having to explain this again. "Im trying to get Nightwing to understand how bad the Discowing suit really is."

"Understandable. And Im guessing youre wearing the red robin suit to prove that the Dicowing suit tops it in ugliness?"

"Yep." Tim said not enthusiastically " But we can't find any supervillans to be the judge of it."
"Interesting way of going at it. It's a quiet night tonight. Maybe you should get Orphan to settle this? Shes going to be the least bias"

"But weve come so farrr!" Both Tim and Dick groaned.

"We were just out for girls night, and I think she went to the manor to get some of good ol' Alfie's cooking. Actually, Im going to come with you guys. I desperately need more tea in my life"

"But we never even-" Tim didn't even get to finish his sentence.

"Come on Tim, lets go!"


-back at the manor-

"Now. for the moment of truth, Cass?" Steph was almost laughing

"Hmm.." Cass looked at both the Discowing and Og Red Robin costume. "The red robin one doesn't look good, but the Discowing is downright horrible, sorry Dick."

"WHAT?!??!?!? You were supposed to be on my side Cass!", Dick pouted

"Well I would be but it's too outdated."

"HAHA! I knew it all along! Told you Dick!"

"Oh you little-!"

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