06 - Dark feathers

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Opening her eyes, rays of light shining through her eyelashes, Y/N awoke in Aventurine's bed. She sat up, looking down at herself. Her dress was still a bit loose because it was not buttoned properly from her previous activities. Feeling like she lost something, she realized it was the Aventurine's body warmth. Something about it was so comforting and exciting. Shaking her head, she compelled the thoughts to go away. Now that he's gone, she can finally go to the Dreamscape. Standing up from the bed with her bare feet, she adjusted her clothes and put on her heels. She turned around to see if the bed was untidy after her and when she found out that it was not very neat, she tidied it.

His place was one of the VIPs, Y/N was quite surprised at how near it is by her own room. But it was larger and with a Dreampool, which she was currently walking to. The object reminded her of a shell, with turquoise water in it and bubbles flying out of it. Obviously it wasn't water, but some weird liquid, that Y/N didn't know.

She was just about to touch it when -
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a mysterious female voice called from behind her. Quickly turning around, Y/N saw a lavender haired woman with a veil. "Who are you?" the startled girl asked, confused at how the woman got it.
Smirking, the woman looked into Y/N's shimmering eyes with her violet yellow ones. "Most people refer to me as the Memokeeper, but you can call me Black Swan," she introduced herself, "however, I myself doubt that you know what a Memokeeper is," she gave her a bold look. The girl crossed her hands. "And how would I even know that? Why are you even here?"

Black Swan smirked, and moved closer to the girl. "I'm here to stop you from going there," she whispered in her ear, pointing at the Dreampool. The h/c-nette gave her a disapproving look. "And why does a "Memokeeper" have the right to tell me what to do?"
"Look, first of all, I'll tell you about my identity, before you'll get even more confused, come here, sit down," she sat at the couch where Y/N made out with Aventurine not too long ago, which made her mind flood with memories. Nevertheless, she followed the woman and sat next to her.

"Us Memokeepers are memetic entities from a faction names Garden of Recollection. We follow the path of remembrance, meaning we are the worshippers of the Aeon Fuli. Our goal is to travel to different worlds and gather as many memories as we can, we simply don't want to forget, memories are the most valuable things in the world," she narrated, "our bodies are long lost, we travel the universe in the form of memories. So you see, I'm not a human." Looking into her eyes, something in Y/N was telling her, that this woman is trustworthy.
"I can enter the Dreamscape though, because in the past, maybe I was one. But the most significant reason is that I feel the emotions through the memories I guard over and understand them."

"So what's your point?" Y/N couldn't take this much dialogue, why was this woman telling her all this? Just cut to the chase.

"You're not a human, you cannot enter the Dreamscape. It wouldn't be such a problem if you were from another advanced civilization, but you used to be an inanimate object," she told her.

Y/N's mind started to swirl. She already had a hunch that she was somehow different from others, but an inanimate object? What kind of stupidity is that? And how is it related to that she cannot enter the Dreamscape? Why not?

She bit inside of her cheek. She had to know the truth.  "An inanimate object? What kind of? And how is that even possible?"

"I apologize, but I cannot tell you too much. The only thing I can tell you about your identity, that you were a significant object or perhaps even a being in the universe, but that time is long gone," Black Swan sighed. However Y/N wasn't done with the questioning.

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