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"I swear to God if you scare me like that again I might actually kill you myself." Mason growled as I returned to my bed from the bathroom.

I was able to walk by myself now - thank God - although, I did still need help with showering.

"Trust me, it was no cake walk for me either." I rolled my eyes, holding his arm as I crawled back into bed.

When I was seated I opened my lunch tray to find plain chicken with carrots and peas. What could a girl do to get McDonalds around here!? Skipping that and going straight to the dessert of jelly and ice cream, I turned to Mason once again.

"Did you speak to the nurses about transporting dad to this hospital?" I asked, licking the lid of the jelly cup.

Mason sat in the chair he now called 'Mason's Throne' with his ankle crossed over his knee and arms resting behind his head.

"Yeah, they're moving him here tomorrow."

Dad had suffered a minor cardiac event, sort of like a minor heart attack. Luckily, he wasn't too shaken and was able to be transported to my hospital 110k's from home. I'd begged the nursing staff and made plenty of calls to his hospital and thankfully nagged then enough that they agreed to letting him come here.

I'd said that it would be better for him to see that I was okay rather than putting more stress on his 'fragile and broken heart' by worrying about me.

Mason was a little nervous about meeting him though. My dad was one of the loveliest people ever but he could be a little rough around the edges when it came to boyfriends. How I was going to explain our living situation, I don't know.

After my freak out where I had to have induced sleep through a sedative that quite literally felt like it turned my muscles to jelly, the doctors said it would be best if I spent just a couple more days in hospital to ensure I didn't move any of my broken ribs.

It felt like I had punctured a lung but it turns out I'd just disturbed the trauma of my injuries.

I looked over at Mason who was eyeing my ice cream.

"What?" I questioned, pushing my tray a little to the side so he couldn't reach it.

"Can I have that ice cream?" He licked his lips and leaned forward a little in his seat.

"Uh, no. You can have my peas and carrots though?" He scrunched his nose up at my offer and made a move to snatch my ice cream cup away.

"Excuse you!" I grabbed it before he could take it.

"Oh come on, Ashley! Please?" I shook my head, my spoon of jelly in my mouth.

I didn't see him stand up as I was thoroughly enjoying my shitty Jelly. Not.

What I did see though was his hands rest on my tray and looked up to see his face just inches from mine. Sure the food wasn't great, but the dessert was the best part and there was no way as a crippled patient that I was giving it up.

My breath hitched in my throat and his eyes held a green fire in them.

"You know, I could make you an exchange for that ice cream." He whispered, his voice low and husky. I managed to squeak out a 'no' which caused him to breathe out a short laugh and move closer to my face.

His eyes flickered to my lips and he licked his. I swear the room actually went up twenty degrees despite it being freezing outside.

My eyes fluttered closed and my breathing became deep and slow as he grazed his lips over mine. I tried to lean in but he pulled away slightly, smirking at my eagerness before moving forward again. He brought his mouth to my ear where his teeth grazed the top and he whispered, "But, if you're not willing to share I guess it's a no deal." And he pulled away leaving me dazed and hot. When I actually managed to breathe again and open my eyes I looked over at Mason who was enjoying my ice cream with a devious grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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