Awakening and luring the prey

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The naked body was slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea. But at that moment it looked like floating in the dark space, as sunlight dimly illuminated the space around it, not being able to penetrate the thick water. It was cold, chilling to the bones. 

Her hair floated up, as her exhausted body sank down. She didn't even try to lift her arm to reach nothing, or kick her legs to propel her towards the surface. She felt nothing. The dark sea was swallowing her up. 

Time was slipping fast. It hurt not to breath. Her life flashed in front of her and she felt something dull behind the pain. It was brewing fast, overtook her body, her placid face enraged and she understood. She shouted with her last ounce of strength and air. 

Bubbles were leaving her as her mind. But the burning rage was still there. Suddenly, she felt a touch. Cold, yet light touch of big hands on her face. It felt like smooth scales, minus slime. Followed with a gentle kiss on her bruised lips. It parted her lips and a solid smooth round object entered her mount and dissipated on her tongue. 

She found herself surrounded with darkness. More precisely, not just place without light source, but the ancient darkness that felt alive. She even felt it. And Lilith was petrified, so she just froze up. Time went and she felt the intention of that entity. It wasn't going to harm her. Plus, what she had to lose? So she welcomed it. 

That instant she felt the change. There was no pain and she could breath! And her legs... She opened up her eyes. She could see under the water without problem. And first thing she saw was a man with handsome face. A devilishly handsome one. But it sent her chills since his lower body was that of a big fish and he had no emotions shown on his face. He was handsome, ethereal one, but still, not human, a devil creature, a merman. Then it hit her. It was the darkness. 


The ship slowed down it's pace. The try of getting out of the fog trap was fruitless again. Several days ago the sea fog submerged from nowhere and refused to go even at night. Without guidance of the stars he was basically useless. The heavy mist and fog could disorinter any seasoned captain. And this captain with eye cap wasn't exclusion. Surrounded with tension of his crew and his responsibilities cocooned in the thick gray foggy days, he felt suffocated, even mad. They were slowly dying. And if he couldn't get the ship out of here he would be held responsible. He recalled a certain girl standing on the plank. "Shit." He closed his face with his palms. No one knows if it was because of tiredness, fear or guilt.  Not everyone could become respectable and feared captain of the pirate ship this big. 

It was deep night again, everyone was sleeping while he was drinking his worries away, as he observed the map for thousandth time today. Suddenly he heard an alluring song sang by a woman. So sweet, so sexy, so warm, yet sickeningly familiar. To quench his curiosity, he went out to the main deck and saw her. A goddess in the water. She was so, so out of this world, straight from his fantasies, that for a moment, he went blank, forgot how to breathe. 

Then again, he heard her to sing. Such sweet melody and red lips, her breasts that demanded him to fondle them, and her eyes that looked so innocent, so pure, that he was scared to dirty her. He was under her charm. She was clearly inviting him to join her and he was ready. Ready to drown. Ready to give everything of his, and do anything to taste her alluring lips that were...

Anddd, he was falling down from the ship. 

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