Make a wish come true

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Charlotte woke up with a headache ، She was still lying in bed, staring at the ceiling She had to get ready to go back to Clover.
Suddenly she heard the sound of the magic tool Which she carried on every mission so he could call her when needed .
She sat down and answered the magic tool And heard Marx voice
“Captain Charlotte, are you still in the area where you went yesterday on your mission?”
“Yes, I stayed at a hotel last night,” she replied .

"That good , We have received reports about that area and there is a gang stealing people , We want you to verify the matter , Captain William is close to your area , He will meet with you so that you can carry out the mission together, unless you are tired and want to return to Clover" Marx said .
Charlotte sighed , She really wanted to go home and have a hot bath, but she would not refuse a mission , In addition that witch asked her not to refuse any offer if she wanted to spend a whole day with the person she loved, but What does William have to do with spending a whole day with Yami? .
" Tell him I'll wait for him downtown," Charlotte said and closed the device .
Then she went down to have breakfast and left the hotel .
An hour after she left, a new guest arrived at the hotel, put his things down and left the hotel for the city center while complaining .

Charlotte was starting to walk around the city and ask questions when she collided with  someone and with difficulty was able to balance herself and fall to the ground.
She looked in front of her angrily and wanted to cast her magic on the person, and she gasped when she realized who was standing in front of her
“Yami, what are you doing here?” she managed to get the words out of her mouth .
"Like what you're doing, the idiot William injured his foot coming here and called me and asked his servants to take his place on this mission Fortunately, Finral came here before and was able to open the gate."
"Oh I see" Charlotte replied as she tried to control her nerves. This is an mission , In addition her wish will come true and she will spend a day with him, so she must not spoil it.
"After you, prickly queen" Yami said sarcastically as he made way for her .
Charlotte walked distracted, not knowing what she should do to spend a nice day with Yami, but no matter what, she should talk to him and not remain silent.

"So, do you have a plan?" Charlotte asked, looking out of the corner of her eye at Yami, who was walking beside her.
“Actually, I was relying on you for this because you are good at making plans, but I only implement them” Yami replied while laughing, causing a small smile from Charlotte .
"Right now I haven't thought of anything, but how about we walk around the city and monitor the situation?" Charlotte replied.
Was Charlotte smiling at something he said? Yami thought as he was captivated by Charlotte smile , She was so cute when she laughed that he didn't notice what she said.
" Yami " Her voice woke him up again. Hearing his name coming from her sent him to another world.
“As you wish” he said casually, hoping that this would help answer the question he had not heard.
"Okay, let's go to that area, It seems that there are a number of stalls open there and there might be a celebration, which will make our mission easier," Charlotte replied as she walked in front of him.

Yami was staring at her as she walked in front of him , Today Charlotte was casual and acting calm , He never denied that he loved this part of her personality, and it always caught his attention, even though he tried to hide it for years.
Yami shook his head to get these thoughts out of his head , They are on a mission, in addition to this prickly queen who does not hesitate to send anyone who tries to flirt her With her thorns
So he decided that he would improvise and make the day go by under her control .

Time was beginning to set without any results other than some simple information that did not help them ، When Yami started to get bored
"prickly queen  It seems that we will not get anything today , The festival has begun , How about we enjoy it and then come back tomorrow to investigate? "
Charlotte huffed and looked at Yami , On the one hand, he was right, because everyone would be busy at the festival and wouldn't respond to their questions. On the other hand, she couldn't resist the pleading look he gave her , He must be as tired as she was.They had been outside all afternoon .

" Fine, as you wish, where are we going?" She replied .
Yami and Charlotte spent the evening wandering around the square between the stalls and watching magicians perform magic shows ، And watch some games.
For the first time, Yami did not regret losing his money , He insisted on paying Without knowing why  .
He was happy to spend it on things that might seem trivial, like some sweets or toys, but the bright look in Charlotte eyes was definitely worth it.
Especially the look she has now towards a game.

The seller has installed weapons that transmit magical energy and fire it at targets to bring down your  doll.
“Let's try our luck,” he said as When he saw her hesitation, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the game. Charlotte face was red .
She grabbed the weapon and tried to throw a large doll, but did not hit it .
She puffed her cheek angrily, a move he always loved.
"I'll show you how it's done," Yami bragged as he picked up the weapon and aimed it, but the bullet hit a small doll shaped like a keychain. 
Charlotte burst out laughing when the seller put the small key chain in his big hand .
He was supposed to be upset by her behavior, but it was the opposite ، He was mesmerized by that beautiful laugh

They walk towards the hotel eating fluffy candy .
" It was a wonderful day, thank you for that, yami.” Charlotte said with smil.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Yami replied, trying not to focus on the candy that was stuck near Charlotte mouth
Charlotte noticed he was staring at her and was about to ask him what was wrong when he leaned down to get closer to her face.

Her heart was pounding and her face was burning when he put his finger at her mouth and removed the stuck piece of candy and put it in his mouth.
She felt like they were both stuck In a circle of time, standing alone, when Yami got closer, she closed her eyes , She felt the brush of his lips on hers. It was a soft, quick kiss , she never expected from such a large man.
When he quickly pulled away, "I'm sorry, I've crossed my limits," Yami muttered, trying to look away anywhere but Charlotte eyes
" Its ok " Charlotte muttered shyly and walked towards the hotel.
It was almost midnight and they were late , Maybe they would discuss  what happened tomorrow.
When they entered a hotel, landlady was carrying some heavy things to the kitchen, so Yami offered to help and carried them to the kitchen .

When Charlotte remembered the antiques in the basement
" Madam, can I take one of these antiques from the basement? I will pay for it.” Charlotte said to the kind lady, who nodded to her.
Charlotte hurried towards the basement. She was thinking of taking one of these antiques to give to Yami , Today he gave her a key chain that he had won, and she wanted to give him something to remind her of him.
She placed the small chair and stood on her tiptoes to reach the antiques when she heard a voice ringing in her mind “Don’t forget that the wish will only last 24 hours” , Before she realized anything, the chair moved from under her and she was unable to balance and fell backwards.

“Ouch, this hurts,” Charlotte muttered, placing her hand on her head and looking around in surprise.
What was she doing in the basement? She got up and dusted off her clothes. Did she come to see these antiques? Or what, she decided not to think about she has a headache ,She must goes up to sleep because  Tomorrow William will come to do the a mission together.

In the kitchen, Yami put the things he took from the lady on a table and as he walked back in, he did not notice that there was an oil stain on the floor, which led to him falling to the ground.
“Ouch, this hurts,” He mumbled while looking around, What is he doing in the hotel kitchen?? , Was he sleepwalking? He thought.
shook his head and got up He must sleep in order to wake up early,  William made him do a mission with Charlotte instead of him, and he does not want to sleep late and make her angry.

In the morning, Charlotte was sitting at the breakfast table, thinking that William was late when she was surprised by a huge person standing in front of her.
" Yami what are you doing here" , she I muttered.
" William was injured in his foot and asked me to do this mission with you. Can I sit with you?”
Charlotte nodded nervously, why of all captains would Yami come today? But there was something strange and she felt like she had forgotten it, but she didn't know what it was .
Yami was sitting waiting for his food and staring at Charlotte, who looked nervous. He had the same feeling that he had forgotten something, but he didn't care what he cared about. Since yesterday, he had been feeling a nice feeling on his lips. He didn't know what.

Outside at the window, a lady was watching what was happening with a smile,
“It is unfortunate that a wish is only for 24 hours , Love does not come with wishes , You must strive to obtain it ، Maybe you have a chance, miss ”.
The lady walked and she waving her wand She wonders what the next wish will be asked of her after 50 years .

The end.

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