make a wish

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The idea for this story was inspired by another fan fiction I read years ago, but the problem is, I don't remember where or who wrote it , so I can thank him, so thank you, whoever you are.

Charlotte was in a mission and was exhausted, so she decided to go into a hotel to have some food and rest , It was late And raining
It seemed that there were not many guests due to this atmosphere, and whoever was there seemed to have gone to sleep, so Charlotte was alone in the hotel lobby , And the landlady was kind and decided to prepare a late meal for Charlotte .

While Charlotte was eating, she noticed that the lady was trying to carry a bottle to the basement, so she got up and insisted on helping and asked the lady to go and rest.
Charlotte carried the bottle to the basement and placed it there when her attention was caught by the antiques placed on the high shelf.
She couldn't resist , She put down a small chair she found and stood on it , She raised her toes to reach the level of the shelf and looked at those antiques, amazed , They were models of very beautiful golden objects. 

She smiled as she looked, and suddenly she felt that a small chair was swinging under her , It seemed she had raised herself too much.
She tried to control herself, but she fell to the ground.
“This was painful, I shouldn't have done this in such a strange place,” Charlotte whispered as she got up and went upstairs. 

She sat down again in front of her food when she heard a soft knock on the hotel door.
Who would knock on a hotel door? She thought for a moment when a small head appeared from  The Door.
She gasped and got up and ran towards the door and grabbed the little one who came , She was a little girl who did not look older than 5 years old and she was wet.

Charlotte looked around and saw a towel on the reception desk , She got up to take it and wrapped the girl in it to keep her warmer.
“What are you doing here in this weather and this late hour?” Charlotte asked She was trying to dry the little girl hair .
But before the child could answer, hungry sounds came from her stomach,  Charlotte  carried her to the table where she was eating ، She gave the child a piece of bread and brought the bowl of soup closer to her ، She was sitting on the floor next to her.

" It's still warm eat it, and wait for me here. I'll try to get warm clothes for you." Charlotte said with a smile and try to  got up to go, but a small hand caught her.
Charlotte looked at the little girl who  got off the chair and began to turn towards herself.
  suddenly a light covered the girl. Charlotte tried to close her eyes to avoid the light, and when the light disappeared , the little girl disappeared and she found a beautiful big girl wearing a bright white dress.

Charlotte's mouth was open in surprise, when she heard the girl speak
" Make a wish, I can make any wish come true for you.”
Charlotte stared at the girl standing in front of her.
It seemed that the girl noticed Charlotte fear ,
"There is no need to be afraid , I am a witch , I appear to people once every 50 years, and whoever is good, I grant him a wish that lasts only 24 hours , And I spent today walking in the streets, and you are the only one who fed me" .

Charlotte  had heard many fairytale when she was a child, but this was not when a question came to her mind.
“Is it possible that no one helped a little girl?” Charlotte muttered. She was angry at the thought that no one had fed a little girl.
The girl laughed, "No, not that, but I appear to people according to what they wish and want , For example, I appear as a father, mother, or brother, As for you, it seems that you think and need a family and children, so I appear to you as a child , Now what is your wish?"
“I see,” Charlotte said in disbelief ، While she was thinking of a wish that she had nothing to lose, suddenly an idea came to her mind .

“I hope to spend a day with the person I love without getting nervous, running away from him, or fearing that he will know my true feelings.”
The girl looked at her, “Just this? This is easy , I expected you to ask for money or go somewhere far away to enjoy” .
“This is more important to me,” Charlotte whispers in a timid voice.

“As you want,But you must not reject any offer or request in order for your wish to come true but remember, this only lasts 24 hours ” the girl said as she took out her Magic wand She waved at it and suddenly a light appeared and she disappeared .

Charlotte was trying to comprehend what had happened , What was this? She must have fallen on her head when she fell from the chair and was still in the basement .
She shook her head and went up to her room to sleep .

To be contacted ..........

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