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Hi guys! 👋

Just a quick update: the next chapter will be available in July because I have my semester exams in June. 📚✍️ So please bear with me!

Please vote and comment! 🙏 It's really sad to see fewer votes and comments. Your feedback means so much to me and keeps me motivated! 💬❤️

Thank you for your understanding and support! Have a great day! 🌞


Two months skip

Meera pov:

A bittersweet buzz filled the air as I navigated the throngs of our graduating class. Smiles were plastered on faces, some genuine excitement for the future, others tinged with the sadness of leaving behind these familiar halls.

These college days,  It felt like both a lifetime and the blink of an eye. We'd crammed for exams, celebrated victories big and small, and forged friendships that would hopefully last a lifetime. Now, the weight of graduation settled on us – a mix of relief at being done and a pang of goodbyes.

Graduation day had finally arrived! Excitement buzzed in the air, a mix of nervous anticipation and pure joy. The hall was packed with proud families, and I immediately spotted my familiar faces. amma, Appa, and Naveen were there, their faces beaming with pride.

A smile spread across my face as I spotted another familiar figure – Carlos Uncle, Adrian's father. He was seated next to Appa, chatting animatedly. He truly was a wonderful man, and now I understood where Adrian got his good looks from! Those captivating green eyes were definitely a Hernandez family trait.

Carlos Uncle treated me warmly like I was his daughter. he'd threatened Adrian (in front of Appa, no less!) to take good care of me, or else! It was a testament to their bond, and secretly, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The fact that he was here for not just my graduation but also Elena and Luis's wedding next week.

The energy in the hall crackled with anticipation as we, all clad in our graduation gowns, waited near the stage. It was finally our department's turn, and names were being called in alphabetical order. Adrian was up first. He strode onto the stage with his swag, and the crowd erupted in cheers. His boxing buddies from college were especially loud, their whistles and shouts echoing through the hall. It warmed my heart to see how close he'd become with them in such a short time.

My turn was nearing, and I could feel a nervous flutter in my stomach. I spotted Appa in the audience. He was cheering so enthusiastically, even letting out a loud whistle that made me chuckle. Amma shot him a playful glare and made him sit down. I couldn't resist blowing a kiss towards Appa, his beaming face making my heart swell with pride.

Then, my name was called, and as I walked across the stage to receive my graduation certificate, a wave of accomplishment washed over me. But the real surprise was yet to come. The announcer cleared his throat and made a special announcement. "And not only did Ms.Meera Kumaran graduate today, but she also secured the prestigious second rank in the entire university!"

The hall erupted in thunderous applause, and a wave of warmth flooded my cheeks. I glanced towards the audience and saw Appa practically bouncing in his seat, a wide grin splitting his face. Amma, had tears welling up in her eyes.

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