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             Isn't it right the most exciting stories come unexpectedly? 

 "Mother will not be best pleased." 

"When is she ever pleased?" One of his older brothers schemed quietly into his ear, standing on his right. He's holding a glass of champagne in his hand, which is his third refill, and leaning against Charles. "Our Queen Mother is not here with us right now, little brother. What is there to fear?" 

Charles thought that was a ridiculous question to ask him about their Mother. He feared for his life when his wrongdoings got reported back to her, but more often than not, it seemed he was the only one who took her wrath seriously. His older siblings, both brothers and sisters, consistently tested everything that had been placed in front of them. Whether that be the rules of a royal son or daughter or their Mother's patience. 

"Right," Charles uttered to himself, not quite sure what to say in response.

Edward laughed, finding Charles's struggle entertaining enough. His hand taps against his younger brother's back, "You fear our Mother's lectures?" He continued to giggle at the realisation, "You of us all have nought to worry for. You've always been Mother's favourite." 

"Mother —" 

"Likes you most," Edward interrupted Charles's planned defence of how their Mother had no favourites. He gulps the rest of his champagne, his face falling at how he has to go and refill it again, before clicking his fingers at Charles, "Don't move from this spot." And then dashing off. 

Which left Charles standing there. His eyes scanned the gardens again, knowing his Mother was sure to make an appearance with an entrance one way or another. He quite liked the scenery, admiring the growth of the flowers, but neither he or Edward was supposed to be here, though when Edward came across Charles attempting to sneak from the palace grounds, he'd offered his help with the demand that he chose their headed destination. 

So here they were. They'd been weaving in and out of crowds since arriving. Edward was having fun, probably too much of it, whilst Charles was constantly on look-out for their stern Queen. Who was also their even sterner Mother. 

He did leave the spot Edward had told him to stay near, not wishing to mingle with another gathering again. They asked him question after question, and it was bound to get to their Mother quicker than spotting them if somebody told her that two of her sons were present.  

Hiding between trees on his left, Charles let out a breath as he peeked between, knowing he was bound to be found soon enough. He just hoped both he and Edward could make their escape before their Mother hears of them being here. Where they were not invited. 

Their Mother, though absence in large senses, was rather keen on keeping up with her children's whereabouts. As many updates as possible across as many children, for she had sixteen of them. Though some had passed. A sister had been the most recent to pass, having grown ill. 

"Is everything quite alright?" 

He spun around at the sound of a voice, surprise filling his features of being caught off guard. Which wasn't often. Growing up with so many siblings, you tended to learn many things. Edward, in particular, had sharpened Charles's talent when it came to sensing somebody approaching. 

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