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6th year

Hermione Granger was sitting in the library. She couldn't concentrate on her Potions homework. She hasn't been able to concentrate on many things at all lately. Starting from the simplest activities - simple chats, ending with difficult lessons with Professor Snape.

"Hey," she heard a voice right behind her.

"Hi Ginny," she replied almost mechanically.

She didn't really feel like talking to anyone, but she didn't want Ginny to be offended. The girls rarely had time for themselves lately. During the holidays, Hermione also didn't want to meet anyone, although Harry, Ron and Ginny, insisted on visiting. She rarely replied to letters, so she was surprised that her friends welcomed her with open arms this school year.

"We're worried about you," the girl began, taking the empty chair next to Hermione.

"No, really?" she muttered in a rather rude tone. She didn't really want it to turn out this way, but she couldn't help the frustration.

"Sorry, I don't think you're in the best mood, we'll talk later," Ginny whispered sadly. However, she couldn't get up because a pleading whisper stopped her.

"No, stay..." Hermione asked, her voice breaking. - I'm sorry...

Ginny stared at her. It was the first time she had seen her friend like that. Hermione was completely devastated, she couldn't even form a sentence to explain why she was behaving so strangely. Ginny didn't know what had been going on with her lately. Unlike Ron and Harry, she had no idea about last year's murder.

"I'm so sad... I'm so sorry... I remember everything... I regret it very much, I have terrible... nightmares... I know I shouldn't. Why... I...

The girl burst into hysterical laughter. For a moment, Ginny thought that Hermione had gone mad, but the girl quickly regained her composure and calmly formed an elaborate sentence.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, it'll just take a while. After all, as they say, time heals all wounds."

She brushed away the bangs that had fallen on her forehead. Ginny noticed that Hermione's eyes were very puffy, as if she hadn't slept several nights in a row.

Hermione sighed deeply. Without even looking at her friend, she stood up and hurried out of the library.

"And the things?!" Ginny called after her.

But Hermione didn't turn around. She didn't know where to go. She finally came out on the field. The wind ruffled her hair.

For a moment, the girl's gaze fell on the group of happy students who were just entering the castle. How far away seemed to her the times when she and her friends would carefreely return to school from lessons, or when she would go outside to laugh.

Her eyes landed on Hagrid's hut for a moment.

"Should I go to him?" she asked herself, but she didn't take a single step towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She looked around, the sun had long set. It was around this time that she committed murder. She felt as if her heart was being torn in half.

"How could this happen?" she asked in a tearful tone for the hundredth time, and for the hundredth time she couldn't give an answer. She didn't even notice when tears came to her eyes.
She saw a familiar figure near the Forbidden Forest. She squinted her eyes to see more, but it was no use because the tears made the world seem blurry. Still, she was almost sure, she couldn't make a mistake - the same robe, the same facial features, the same hair... He was talking to her something, as if he was summoning her. Hermione staggered. She stretched her arms out in front of her, but she couldn't grab anything. She could no longer see the whole figure, only its outline, and after a while only large black spots. She felt as if she was losing the use of her legs, her ears were clogged, and even though she was standing in the fresh air, she had trouble breathing. She heard something, but the voices coming from the distance were as if they were spoken from beyond the worlds. After a moment, her legs gave way and she fell onto the soft grass.

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