the truth?

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As I look through old files on my laptop I breath out typing I stop for a second rereading the file.
We have got a young new kid starting with the love foundation, his name is Josh, I knew of his father, but his mother is just a regular person, I'm going to have one of the experiments host in his body to see if he is loyal to our cause and to be trust worthy of my time, I see potential, but I see a naive child, I have a feeling he might be the key to making these experiments start to evolve out of their current state- end of file. I breath in and blow out smoke ad I party lips pulling the cigarette from my lips. The room is pitch black quiet, my keys noose bouncing off thr walls. I hear footsteps approach down the hall.
"Couldn't sleep?" Spome a voice softly.
"What do you want natasha?" I say breathing in and out feeling tense in my body.
"Tell me something, do you remember when your parents died?" Asked black widow.
"I wa only 5 when it happened we were out on a stroll, my parents got a call to come somewhere, we went their, everyone in the area was being evacuated." I spoke.
"The accident?" Asked black widow.
"Cut to the chase." I said getting irritated.
"How did you get into contact with the old man?" Asked black widow.
"On a need to know basis, ask your boss, nick fury." I spoke as the images appeared reflecting off my glasses from my lap top.
"He won't tell me." Said black widow.
"Yeah he won't it's classified." I spoke.
"Why?" Asked black widow.
"Did he ever tell you about what happened after that night?" I asked.
"No." Said black widow. I heard another foot steps seeing toxin.
"Baby?" Asked toxin.
"Yes my love?" Asked black widow.
"Come back to bed, you shouldn't ask him about that stuff." Said toxin glaring at Josh. I smiled with a devilish grin.
"Why?" Asked black widow.
Toxin stayed quiet the room got silent.
"I was put into a orphanage." I spoke.
"But, your other family?" Asked black widow.
"Let's just say they were dealt with." I spoke.
"Josh!" Said toxin as his black and red tendrils came out from his back.
"Hehe, hiding my secrets from someone you love, why should you care, do you know everything about me like you are she venom think you do? I asked looking up at him not flinching. Toxin breathed out sitting down next to black widow on the sofa across from me.
"So the orphanage?" Asked black widow.
"Yeah, the kids all went to school, while I did not, I was to learn something very specific groomed into the whole fury wanted." I spoke.
"Fury?! What does he have to do with that orphanage?" Asked black widow her eyes shocked and panting softly.
"Shield owned that orphanage that I was forced to stay, learn psychology not for understanding people but to understand emotions itself, because yet to my knowledge back then him and the old man were old buddies." I spoke. Black widows eyes widened.
"Then how did you get into the life foundation?!" Shouted black widow. I made a ssshhhhh motion with my hand. "I interned their when I was in college." I spoke softly putting my cigarette out on the ash tray in front of me.
"But how did you meet Peter, Harry, ann?" Asked black widow frantically.
"Chances, if you'd believe that, all three came Into contact with me at some point, but forgot about me along the way after meeting me thanks to shield.
"Now then shall I continue?" I asked. I could hear quiet soft footsteps down the hall that stopped.
Black widow nods.
"Right after college I still had to intern at thr life foundations 14 hours a day 5 days a week, I didn't do much just following the old man mostly, but one night he tested my loyalty towards him and the company, I was forced into a dark cold room, something black, and sluggish, came out sticking to the wall.
"A symbiote?" Asked black widow.
"Venom to be precise." I spoke. I heard footsteps step again. I breathed out.
"Its rude to easedrop." I said tapping watch as a high pitch noise vibrated from my watch, I heard she venom shriek. I turned it off. Toxin panted seeing veins on his neck ad she venom got up she glared at me.
"What do you want?" I said.
"Your talking about us." Said she venom.
"Like you'd even remember after all you were wided of that early memory." I said smiling.
"Wiped memory?" Asked black widow.
"Yes." I said feeling she venom sit down besides me her black tendrils poking out from her back looking at Josh.
"It attached to me forced its way inside of my body, attached itself to my body, at first I could hear a soft voice but as the days progressed with it on me, it helped me with everything used my own body to make me feel safe and protected had control over my hormones, it was possessive, after a small tike with it the old man found remnants of its cellular structure on my very cells itself, it didn't evolve like the old man wanted, so he removed it from my spine rigging high pitch sound device into my body to repel it from my spine back into thr container, it gripped onto my spine taking my nutrition from my body making me weaker, it took 3 days, to get it off me, but the traces it left on me, were permanent on my cells. The old man told me when I woke from my coma that it wouldn't remember this at all completely wiped, I was the first that the venom symbiote inhabited, I had no negative aftereffects of it, and out of all the experiments I was the only one to live through it." I spoke panting. She venom looked at Josh.
"But, didn't the old man have others?" Asked black widow.
"He did, it was a test to see how loyal I would be to see if it could alter to its host body, and it was proven, the only thing the old man didn't expect was for it to grab and take stuff from me when it was pulled, maybe it was to make itself stronger to only want stronger host than me." I spoke.
"Believe me or not it doesn't matter." I spoke. Black widow looked through tur life foundation files seeing black sludge from joshs back seeing venom helping josh to his day to day, and sees the day venom was forced out of joshs body. She venoms eyes twitched thinking this had to be a lie thinking she had gone into josh, she wondered why, why did they force her out over not evolving into something more. Black widow pants heavily toxin holding her.
"I want to see." Said she venom her black tendrils pierce josh back she venom grabs Josh's stomach, I pant heavily. She venom's eyes dilate shocked remembering these lost memories. As the black tendrils slowly come out no blood drips out.
"It was you, that small research boy, I remember now, they send you away, that day, I was angry, I took what I needed to survive and remember you by you were so lonely, but with Mr, I could use your hormones against you to ease that pain from working such long hours.
"Dont worry about it, life happens like that." I spoke softly. I felt she venom pin me down against the couch. Black widow gasp. Toxin shook his head and pulled her head against hid neck hugging her tightly.
"Its alright love she's in a panic, Ann is going berserk, both of them are." Said toxin softly.
"I was just telling a little story, why are you so upset, do you feel guilty for doing this?" I asked placing her hand against my side. She venom panted heavily.
"Does it pain you?" I asked.
"Josh stop!" Said toxin.
"She did this not me, did I not tell the truth?" I asked.
"ENOUGH?! Yelled toxin.
"Hehe even when I tell the truth you get so upset, did I lie?" I asked looking up at she venom. She venom licked my neck with her long tongue.
"Liar none of its true." Said toxin.
"Oh? You think I made it all up?" I asked glancing over at toxin. He nodded
"how interesting. Shall we test that?" I asked. She venoms black tendrils came out. I closed my eyes softly feeling each push into my arms, legs, and neck. Toxin could faintly hear joshs heart beating. She venom took control and her snake like tongue came off joshs neck and parted his lips pushing it down his throat.
"She venom don't he's lying." Said toxin.
"I won't know I must know was he really the first, the old man told me a long time ago the first infected me with weakness, and he was a failure I just know." Spoke she venom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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