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As I opened my left eye I noticed I was in a hospital but it was different I had several needles in my arms and small circles against my chest I looked to my left and Ann sitting in a chair asleep, I breathed out and lifted my hand up and put it against my face and moved my hair covering my right side of my face, as I did I felt something slimy poke my neck, it was the symbiote, I pushed it away and said quietly.
"Go away your wasting your own time." I Said.
Ann woke up.
"No we aren't Joshy we love you." Ann Said looking at Josh.
"It's fake Venom is making you think that trust me I know very well what it can do to a persons mind." As I Said that Ann slapped me across the face and stormed out pissed. As she left the doctor came in.
"Hello." The Doctor Said.
"Hey doc." I said smiling.
"You had a panic attack you can go home just be sure to have a good sleep." The doctor said before leaving as he left the nurses pulled the needles out and left as I got up I saw Ann walk back into the room I had my shirt off and had a slash mark across my back wear my spine was.
"..........." she stared as I put my shirt back on. As I was about to walk past her she gripped my arm.
"When did you get that scar?" Demanded Ann.
"Ask your little friend." I Said pulling my arm away leaving. As I walked out I saw Pete waiting out front.
"Hello josh." Pete said.
"What do you want." I Said.
"Don't be so hostile." Pete said getting irritated.
"Hm." I Said.
"Don't get yourself involved with them they'll Kill you." Pete said uneasy looking away. I glanced looking at him, something felt weird the way he was acting.
"Oh like you and black cat?" I Asked with a smile on my face. Pete sucker punched me in the face before walking off. I smiled and shook my head and spit blood out, as I walked home, I felt something following me tracking me, I glanced at my hand and noticed my special ring was gone, so I decided to go to Oscorp, and do some research but as I was about to open the door I saw hybrid. He looked hungry devilishly hungry.
"Welcome back doc." Hybrid said. I nodded and walked inside of the building walking towards my lab as I did hybrid followed behind me, I could smell blood lust from him as I walked inside of my lab I noticed a box on my desk, and opened it, it was a small symbiote it didn't seem like Venom, it carnage or any of the known symbiotes I had seen before but resembled Venom quite a bit, as I moved the box hybrid had led a girl the same age as me into the lab and grabbed the small symbiote and tossed it on the girl and it quickly bonded into her. I looked at it, and I saw the tendrils of this new symbiote show themselves, it moved and it stepped closer to me it tendrils wrapped around my waist and the symbiote smiles and look at me and puts it hands on my face.
"Uh can I help you?" I Asked concerned it, didn't speak it moved my hair revealing my right side and it quickly backed up seeing my right eye was gone and gripped his fist hard. I shook my head and moved my hair over my right side.
"Let me guess offspring?" I Asked hybrid.
"Yeah Osborn wants to see if it would bond with anyone." Hybrid explained. I sighed and breathed out.
"That fool is gonna get us all killed." I Said sitting down.
"Not you though most of the symbiotes we know of all have attraction towards you josh." explained hybrid.
"Hm." I Said as I pulled out a cigarette lighting it, the newly formed symbiote backed up snarling at me as I inhaled the cigarette and blowing out a grey cloud of toxin smoke.
"Hm seems this one is fast to learn." Said Hybrid.
"Good. Now then first I am not the only attraction to a symbiote." I said annoyed.
"Not true apparently, lasher, scream, phage, and Venom all care pretty deeply, and me and toxin both see you as a possible partner as well." Explained hybrid. As he explained I hear a slight screech as a guard walks by and the new symbiote screams out and bites ripping his head off clean as it did I heard bones crack and my eyes widen holding my chest panting as my heart beat rises.
"Son of a?!" Said Hybrid he rushed over to my josh and held him close.
"Ssshhhh don't look don't look sssshhhhh." I closed my eyes and felt hybrids tendrils wrap around my back as I breathed out regaining my composure Hybrid let go and backed up and smacked the back of the new symbiotes head.
"Don't do that in front of him!? He's been scarred you moron!?" Yelled hybrid.
The new symbiote made fuck you gestures I breathed out and inhaled the cigarette before blowing out a grey cloud of smoke the new symbiote looked at me again.
"Mania." I announced
"Huh?" Asked Hybrid.
"That's her name." I Said.
"Yeah." Hybrid Said.
The new symbiote now named mania smiled and nodded looking at me, and smiled licking her lips with her long tongue. I blushed and looked away.
"God I had that all the symbiotes wanna taste me I hate my life." I Said.
"Think about this way at least you have options." Said Hybrid giggling.
"Oh great a bunch of parasites like me yay.......stupid." I said sarcastically.
"Now now." Said Hybrid.
"Anyways this symbiote seems to have all the powers of Venom or at least the bare minimum of what Venom has." I Said.
A guard walked in with a gun.
"Doctor Mr. Osborn wants to see you." Said the guard. I smiled and nodded and Hybrid looked at me worried I walked out walking towards Mr. Osborns office the guard followed behind me as I entered his office the door closed behind me. I leaned against the door inhaling the cigarette.
"Hello doctor have you bonded the new symbiote?" Osborn asked sitting at his desk.
I closed my left eye exhaling blowing out a heart cloud from my lips.
"Yeah already bonded and has all the abilities of Venom and our deal is over." I Said looking at him, I saw mister Osborn tying on his computer and my phone beeped and I pulled it out looking at my cell phone and one million dollars was sent to my saving account.
"Have a good one." Said Mr. Osborn.
"You too sir." I Said as I left his office I saw Hybrid waiting I walked past him walking towards the exit of the building I felt him grab my hand.
"What happened?" Hybrid Demanded. I smiled and blew out grey smoke.
"I got let go simple as that." I Said. I felt his hand shaking as he gripped mine.
"Can you let go?" I Asked. I felt Hybrid let go of my hand.
"See ya later." I said before leaving the building as I did I started to walk home thinking.
I wondered why the symbiotes saw me as a love interest, a partner, one to spend the rest of their lives with, it seemed to simple to answer I wondered if it was lust that they wanted to feel ecstasy or they wanted to have someone to call theirs. The thought rolled into my mind like a tone of bricks. But it was more of a hostile love like if a person was kidnapped and then the victim falls in love with their kidnapper to give the delusion that that victim loves the capturer. As I thought I heard a slight whisper behind me.
"You know that we don't think small like that your very dear to us whether you know it or not after all your so cute, weak, soft, and lovely." Said a voice. I looked around it was cold, slightly foggy. But didn't seem to be night yet. I gulped and heard screams in the distant followed by snaps and cracks as I was gonna take a step back I felt something wrap around my waist.
"Don't move love we wanna eat our food before tasting lots of you." Said the voice.
"What do you want with me?" I Asked. I heard a snarl and crack as another persons scream could be heard in the distance. I gulped and felt my heart beat fast I placed my hand over my chest breathing slightly deeply feeling tense.
"What do we want? Oh it's so very simple Joshy we want to make you ours your very special if you haven't noticed why do you think all of us haven't ripped your head off yet?"
Asked the voice. I breathed out and pulled the thing from my waist walking home.
"Cause you parasites like toying with me!"
I said.
"Parasites that's so hurtful Joshy the real reason is we remember you so very much after all your the one who pulled us off our father." Said the voice. I stopped and my eyes widened.
"Shut up." I Said.
"Hm?" Asked the voice.
"Tell me this then why do you pursue me when you have your host isn't that enough for you freaks?!" I Said.
"Hm we love our host Josh very much but we all want what the humans have but seems most find us evil, Gross, and ugly........but you said we were different and special that we could find love in someone." Said the voice.
"Just stay away from me." I Said as I made it home I panted and walked towards my room as I did I fell onto the wooden floor as I put both of my hands on the floor I pushed against the wooden floor and got up and went into my room I sat on my bed and breathed out.
"Love we are sorry." Said a voice.
"Go away." I Said laying down pulling my covers over me.
"We love you."
"Hm I bet like you loved Eddie."
"Hm stop while your ahead and stay away from me Ann is doing well with her job and she's got a lot riding on her plate keep her away from me." I Said.
"Your hurting again aren't you?" Asked the voice.
"Worry about yourself and your host don't worry about me I'll be just fine." I Said as I slowly began to fall asleep. As I fell asleep I felt cold and lonely but safe that I was home finally.

She Venom jumped down from Joshs ceiling and looked at him she turned him on his back and looked at him.
".............." She Venom starred at Josh's innocent pale face.
"What's wrong your hesitating tell me after Eddie died did your feeling change towards the one Eddie loved?" Asked Ann.
"No because when he touch him we feel loved and passion, his lips feel blissful, his skin so soft to be held, and his words so warm.....he's everything I wanted to be........I used to dream about bonding with a human, but Eddie when we bonded he was filled with hatred and corrupted us, filled us with anger, and made us look evil, but Josh, Josh was nice to us, helped us understand to let it go, and forgive others even if they hurt you, I know he's hurting so much, so very much but all I ever want is to be next to him and feel him." Said Venom.
"Maybe maybe you'll find someone who compares let's look." Said Ann before they took off.

(Sorry took a lot longer than expected but I hope you still enjoy it)

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